Monday, 16, September, 2024


The negotiations on delimitation and demarcation of the Uzbek-Turkmen State Border has been resumed, the press service of the Uzbek Foreign Ministry said.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on March 29 signed the law "On Amendments and Addenda to Some Legal Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Connection with the Adoption of Additional Measures to Ensure the Reliable Protection of CIvil Rights and Freedoms". The document was adopted by the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis on March 17 and approved by the Senate on March 28.

The 30th meeting of the Council of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (RATS SCO) was held on March 30 in Tashkent under the chairmanship of the People's Republic of China, a statement of the Uzbek Foreign Ministry said.

Miragzam Mirkasimov has been dismissed from the post of khokim (mayor) of Tashkent's Yunusabad district, a source in the mayor’s office said. He held this position since October 2016, before that he served as the khokim of Shaykhantahur district.

The Center of Russian Language opened at the Uzbek State University of World Languages, a statement of UzA said. The opening ceremony was attended by the special representative of the President of Russia for International Cultural Cooperation, Mikhail Shvydkoi.

On Tuesday, the Uzbek Health Minister, Alisher Shadmanov, as part of the Russia visit of Uzbekistan delegation headed by Prime Minister, Abdulla Aripov, met his Russian counterpart, Veronika Skvortsova in Moscow.

In accordance with Uzbekistan’s Constitution and the Law On Prosecution, the 3rd category State Justice Counselor, Ergashev Azimjon Urdushevich has been appointed as prosecutor of Djizzakh province for a 5 year term and approved by the chairman of the board of the province’s prosecutor's office.

The Senate of the Oliy Majlis at the ninth plenary session on March 28 approved the Amendments and Addenda to the Constitution of Uzbekistan, a statement of the information service of the Senate said.

On Tuesday, the Uzbek Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov met with his Russian counterpart, Dmitriy Medvedev in Moscow. Abdulla Aripov was accompanied by a number of Uzbek ministers and senior executives.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and Poland, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, on behalf of the people of his country and on his own behalf sent a congratulatory message to the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, which reads:

The President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev continues his trips to the provinces of the country, the purpose of which is familiarization with the projects being implemented and dialogue with the ordinary people. On March 28, the Head of State departed for Navoi province, UzA reported.

On March 28 the Prime Ministers of Uzbekistan and Russia, Abdulla Aripov and Dmitriy Medvedev will meet in Moscow to discuss cooperation between the two countries in the economy, RIA Novosti reported, citing the press service of the Russian government.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev will pay a state visit to China in May. This was announced today at the fifth meeting of the Subcommittee on Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Uzbek-Chinese Intergovernmental Committee for Cooperation in Tashkent, by the Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Trade Elyor Ganiev.

Uzbekistan Airways’ first flight to Dushanbe is scheduled for April 4. According to the carrier’s summer schedule starting on March 26, the flights will be operated on A-320 aircraft on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

During the talks in Akorda between the Heads of Uzbekistan and and Kazakhstan, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in particular noted:

A number of documents has been signed following the talks between the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, a statement of KazInform said.

Today in New Delhi will be held inter-MFA political consultations between the delegations of Uzbekistan and India, headed by deputy foreign ministers.

In accordance with the March 17, 2017 Presidential Decree, Abdullayev Abdushukur Hamidovich has been appointed as the Chairman of the Committee of Uzbekistan for Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre.

The ninth plenary session of the Senate of Oliy Majlis is to be held in Tashkent on March 28-29, a statement of the Upper House of Parliament said.

On March 22, 2017 the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the invitation of the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev arrived in Astana on a state visit, UzA said.