Thursday, 19, September, 2024


The Uzbek Ministry of Internal Affairs denied reports of the arrest of the former chief of the Penal Corrections Department (PCD), the colonel Abdukarim Shodiev, published in particular on the Uzbek service of the Radio Liberty website.

President of Shavkat Mirziyoyev and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev today held a meeting in Akorda residence.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev today arrived with a working visit in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, to attend the first consultative meeting of the Central Asian leaders, organized by the initiative of Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the President’s press service reported. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed decree on Wednesday transforming the National Security Service (MXX) into the State Security Service (DXX), the program Akhborot 24 on Uzbekistan 24 channel reported.

Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan intend to conclude a tourist visa exemption agreement that will allow foreigners to visit both states, said today the Kazakh Minister of Culture and Sports Arystanbek Mukhamediuly at the 17th meeting of the Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan intergovernmental cooperation commission.

The Uzbek Prosecutor General's Office denied the arrest and seizure of property of Farhod Mamadjonov, a shareholder of InFinBank, the office said in a statement.

Bekhzod Musaev has been appointed first deputy chairman of the Tax Committee, the committee said in a statement.

The Shahi imam of Jama mosque in New Delhi and one of the leaders of the Naqshbandiya tariqa in India Ahmed Bukhari heading a delegation comprised of religious figures will today arrive in Tashkent, the Uzbk foreign ministry said.

Reforms in the Tashkent police will improve the public image of the police and its relations with the public, said Rustam Juraev, deputy interior minister of Uzbekistan, chief of the Tashkent police department at a press briefing on Saturday.

The Taliban is likely to miss an Afghan peace conference at which participants are set to call for direct talks between the militant group and the government of President Ashraf Ghani, the Uzbek foreign ministry said on Monday.

Uzbekistan delegation led by the President's Special Representative for Afghanistan Ismatulla Irgashev will on March 12-14 visit the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Uzbek Foreign Ministry said.

Uzbekistan’s state budget in the years 2016 and 2017 fell short of 439 billion soums from the former Abu Sahiy market, an imported goods market in Tashkent, previously owned by the late President Islam Karimov’s son-in-law Timur Tilyaev, with the cash reportedly channeled offshore, the Akhborot 24 on Uzbekistan 24 channel reported.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev will visit Kazakhstan on March 15 to attend the Working (Consultative) Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia - Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, the Kazakh President’s press service said on its Facebook page.

Tashkent Police Department is analyzing the world experience of vahicles speed limits in urban areas, the deputy Interior Minister/chief of the Tashkent police department Rustam Juraev, appointed to this post in mid-February, said at the first open dialogue with journalists on Saturday.

The signing of the Joint Statement on Strengthening Friendship and Good Neighborliness, Border Treaty and the Agreement on Bilateral Visa Free Travels were notable outcomes of the talks between Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Emomali Rahmon in Dushanbe yestreday, the Uzbek President's press service said.

In Uzbekistan stores may charge for plastic bags from January 1, 2019. This is provided by the government draft Measures to Further Improve and Develop Sanitation System decree, published for public consultation by the Committee for Environmental Protection.

At the Qasri Millat residence in Dushanbe on Friday, the official meeting of Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who arrived in Tajikistan on a state visit, was held. An honor guard was held to welcome the honored guest, the Uzbek leader's press service reported.

The aircraft of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev landed at the Dushanbe airport, where he was welcomed by the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.

The Plenum of the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan will prepare a resolution aimed at “ensuring the inevitability of punishment for the use of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and formation of a single judicial practice in this area”, the Supreme Court said.

27 accords have been prepared for signing for the state visit of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Tajikistan on March 9-10, the spokesman to the President Komil Allamjonov said.