Thursday, 19, September, 2024


A group of Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps cadets are currently visiting Uzbekistan. As part of their visit they visited military education institutions and have been exchanging experience with their Uzbek peers.

On May 23, Tashkent hosted legal forum with the participation of Uzbek and German lawyers, which was attended by the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate Sodiq Safoev, Director of the National Center for Human Rights Akmal Saidov, German Ambassador to Uzbekistan Günter Overfeld, and Head of the Konrad Adenauer Center in Uzbekistan Thomas Kunze.

Joint tactical and special drill Combat Fellowship - 2019 between the military units of Uzbekistan and Belarus are taking place at the Gurumsaray training ground in the Namangan province, the Ministry of Defense said.

Uzbek Belarussian military drill 2

The servicemen freed the hostages from simulated illegal armed groups, suddenly attacking the camp of the "militants". The servicemen jointly drilled breakthrough ofthe enemy defense line with armored vehicles, fire strikes at the militants’ shelters and help the flanks while descending from steep mountain slopes with mountain equipment.

Uzbek Belarussian military drill 

In addition, the military enhanced skills for survival in the extreme mountain conditions. The Belarus servicemen worked out the task of circumventing ambushes on the way and concealing the placement of the camp with the use of terrain.

Uzbek Belarussian military drill 3

Joint exercises will last until May 27 and are part of the security cooperation plan signed between the two states in 2018.

Uzbek Belarussian military drill 4

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde made an address on May 19 at the Central Bank during her visit to Uzbekistan:

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Using Renewable Energy Bill into Law. According to the document, producers of renewable energy and renewable energy units within their authority are entitled to:

Komil Allamjonov, the head of the Agency of Information and Mass Communications (AIMC) under the Presidential Administration in a statement on his Facebook page called the working methods of the Uzbek service of Radio Liberty, Ozodlik, contrary to generally accepted standards of journalistic ethics.

The Legislative Chamber held a meeting of the working group to abolish the status of governors/mayors as chairman of the Council of People's Deputies (local legislative branches).

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree on measures to set up the activities of the Uzbekistan-UAE Investment Fund. It was created on March 24, 2019 in the form of a limited liability company with an authorized capital of US$ 10 million and its phased increase to US$ 1 billion.

The United States and the Republic of Uzbekistan kicked off a national two-day conference on health reforms to end tuberculosis (TB) May 22 in Tashkent.  The conference is sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Uzbekistan Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Phthisiology and Pulmonology. It brings together international experts, representatives of the governments from Central Asia, and healthcare providers from across Uzbekistan to share best practices, expertise, and lessons learned from implementing the World Health Organization's (WHO) End-TB Strategy and the Declaration of the United Nations (UN) on Ending TB.

The Tashkent metro authorities laid nearly 1.5 km long tunnel towards the Shakhriston station, the terminus of the Yunusobod line with the help of German Herrenknecht tunnel boring machine, to add two stations, Turkiston and Yunusobod.

The Tashkent province Criminal Court on May 16 issued a verdict against the former chairman of the State Customs Committee (SCC) of Uzbekistan Muidjon Tokhiriy, a source in the government told the Tashkent Times.

The Prosecutor General’s Office reported the detention of four men suspected of deliberately killing five family members in the Samarkand province. According to the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office, these are the four jobless G. T., 38, J. U., 26, S. E., 24 and H. N., 23, who live in the same neighbourhood as their victims.

Three women, aged 51, 49 and 25, died after being hit by a car in Asaka district of the Andijan province on Thursday at about 8:00 AM. They were watering the plants along the Andijan-Shakhrikhan highway.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev hosted the visiting Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, the presidential press service reported.

Telephone conversation took place today between President Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev.

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Désir, today welcomed the restored access to multiple internet-based media in Uzbekistan, after more than ten years of intermittent blocking.

For the first time, joint tactical and special exercises Combat Fellowship - 2019 between the military units of Uzbekistan and Belarus will be held at the Gurumsaray training ground in the Namangan province on May 20-27, the Ministry of Defense said.

On 13 May, the EU adopted the 2018 Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the world. This report provides a snapshot of the EU’s engagement and actions in 2018, ranging from the flagship campaigns like the one for the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, or the launch of the Good Human Rights Stories Initiative at the United Nations. The Report includes the Human Rights and Democratisation situation in Uzbekistan.

Five people from one family were found murdered in the middle and back seats of a Damas minivan in the Samarkand province, the General Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan said.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke over the phone with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan yesterday. “The two leaders offered heartfelt congratulations to each other on the holy month of Ramadan and exchanged the best wishes,” the Uzbek leader’s press service said in a statement.