Sunday, 08, September, 2024

On December 28, a video circulated on social networks showing how residents of Kokand city blocked the road leading to the city's mayor’s office. The author of the footage stated that the women were protesting over the gas and electricity cuts.

“Women living near the mayor’s office have blocked the road in front of the office’s building. Because they have neither gas nor electricity at home. We are fed up with the lack of gas and light,”says a woman filming the scene.

At the moment when the cars were trying to pass, the same resident of the city said: “You are welcome to run over. We are already fed up, it is still cold at home. "

At the end of the video, a police vehicle is seen approaching the scene.

The mayor’s offices of Kokand and the Fergana province have not yet commented on this situation.

Earlier it was reported that in the Surkhandarya province, the residents of Muzrabad district blocked the road and burned car tires due to the lack of electricity supply caused by a failure of a transformer.

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