Saturday, 07, September, 2024


Head of the company, who demanded US$ 3.72 million from a businessman to finalize documents for allocation of a land plot, was detained red-handed While receiving bribe in Kuyichirchik district of Tashkent province. The operation was carried out by employees of the State Security Service and the Department for Combating Economic Crimes under the General Prosecutor's Office.

On January 20, the Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov hosted the new Ambassador of Jordan, Demiye Zuher Haddad, the Foreign Ministry said.

The President Shavkat Mirziyoyev sent a congratulatory message to the President of the United States Joseph Biden on his assumption of office, the presidential press service of the Uzbek leader said.

A draft Children’s Ombudsman bill will be developed in order to increase the effectiveness of protection of children's rights. Such an item is contained in the draft 2021 state program.

Significant changes in the foreign exchange rates are expected in the near future. Soon foreign exchanges rates will be updated every day, not on the first day of every week as now, this was proposed by the draft State Program for 2021.

The Deputy Prime Minister Aziz Abdukhakimov paid a working visit to Spain, where he met with the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Zurab Pololikashvili, the Uzbek Tourism Development Committee said.

The Acting Minister of Transport Ilhom Makhkamov met with the India Ambassador to Uzbekistan Manish Prabhat, the Ministry of Transport reported.

A Hampton by Hilton hotel is being built in downtown Tashkent. This was confirmed by the Tashkent mayor’s office. Hampton by Hilton is a The Hampton hotel brand is a chain of moderately priced, upper midscale hotels with limited food and beverage facilities. Most Hampton hotels are independently owned and operated by franchises. As of January 2021, the Hampton franchise includes 2,544 hotels in 30 countries and territories.

On Wednesday at 11:42 am, a dust-coal air mixture exploded in the 5th power unit of the Yangi-Angren thermal power plant in Tashkent province, during a shutdown for maintenance, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported.

On January 15, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting with khokims and heads of sectors of Tashkent’s districts, chairmen of makhallas and youth of Yunusabad district.

A number of pension innovations are planned to be introduced in Uzbekistan from June, according to the draft presidential decree on the State Program of 2021. The document has been published for public input by the Development Strategy Center and the Yuksalish movement.

Based on proposals from the public, the core activities of the road safety service could be reoriented towards "supporting citizens, as well as taking measures to prevent factors that facilitate corruption." This is stated in the draft 2021State Program, published for discussion by the Development Strategy Center.

175.6 thousand people died in Uzbekistan in 2020, the Statistics Committee said in a report. This is an absolute historical record.

The procedure for granting Uzbek citizenship will be improved. This is stated in the draft 2021 state program for the Year of Supporting the Youth and Improving Public Health.

The Development Strategy Center has posted the draft 2021 State Program for the Year of Supporting Youth and Improving the Public Health for public input. The discussion will run through January 27.

The Bill, developed by the Anti-Corruption Agency, proposes that all categories of officials, including the president and prime minister, shall declare property and income.

1,723 officials were brought to justice in 2020 in 1148 criminal cases, the General Prosecutor's Office said. In 2019, 1,339 officials were prosecuted in 994 criminal cases.

Uzbekistan is set to receive 100,000 doses of the Comirnaty coronavirus vaccine produced by Pfizer (USA) and BioNTech (Germany), announced by the Deputy Minister of Health/Head of the Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health Authority Bakhodir Yusupaliev.

8,000 students will be admitted to the future Mirziyoev University in Tashkent, the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said on January 15 at a meeting in Tashkent’s Yunusabad district.

The Syrdarya province governor, Gofurjon Mirzaev, went on a short vacation due to health issues, the governor’s office said in a statement.