Friday, 20, September, 2024


The Uzbek government delegation will attend the upcoming SCO Foreign Ministries Council Meeting, the Uzbek Foreign Ministry said.

The Uzbekistan Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov will be the first high-ranking foreign government official to visit Tajikistan since the pandemic.

Uzbek national Abdulkadir Masharipov sentenced over gun attack on Istanbul nightclub which took 39 lives, injuring 70 others, Anadolu said.

In Uzbekistan, 30-40 thousand coronavirus tests are being done every day, member of the anti-coronavirus headquarters, Rustam Ikramov said on Monday.

After a six-month break, 329 public schools in Uzbekistan have resumed classes starting from September 7, the Ministry of Public Education said.

Uzbekistan is considering to purchase Russia’s fast track vaccine against coronavirus and is monitoring the epidemiological situation overseas, exploring the possibility of resuming flights, said Bakhodir Yusupaliev, Director of the Agency for Sanitary and Epidemiological/First Deputy Minister of Health, this in a briefing today.

800 Asian bustards, or beauty bustards have been set free in Tomdi, Konimekh and Uchquduq districts of the Navoi province, the press service of the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection reported. The event was held on September 2 and 3 by the Committee, the Emirates Center for the Conservation of the Bustard Beauty (UAE) and Falcon Hunting Solutions.

The Uzbekistan team was placed third in the overall standings at the International Army Games, said the Uzbek Minister of Defense, Major General Bakhodir Kurbanov.

The Cabinet of Ministers issued the Measures to further improve the mechanisms for collecting, processing and storing information on foreign legal entities operating through a representative office, branch or permanent establishment and individuals carrying out entrepreneurial activities Resolution.

The U.S. Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has donated 200 ventilators to Uzbekistan to assist its fight against COVID-19. This assistance is just the latest donation by the United States of critical supplies in response to Uzbekistan’s request for international assistance related to the pandemic.  

Please note that the editorial staff of the Tashkent Times is going on vacation and that the company office will be closed until September 2. We have to take this break to come back refreshed as we had a hard year with ups and downs, and somewhat affected by the pandemic. We offer you our warmest greetings!

The press service of the General Prosecutor's Office (GPO) of Uzbekistan, citing the prosecutor's office of Karakalpakstan, published the details of the probe into the death of a man in the Turtkul district after he reportedly "visited" a police department.

Uzbekistan's gross foreign exchange and gold reserves as of August 1 reached US$ 34.7 billion, having increased by US$ 5.6 billion year-to-date, the Central Bank said in a report.

On August 18, the Cabinet of Ministers issued a resolution on strengthening strategic partnership and expanding cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey, the Ministry of Justice said.

According to the document, the Turkish Consulate General will open in Samarkand before 2021.

The resolution provides for the expansion of technical assistance from the Turkish government to Uzbekistan.

Turkish experts will be recruited to work on improving the management of health infrastructure facilities, strengthening the regulatory framework in the field of seismology, introducing international standards in the field of road and roadside infrastructure construction, as well as transferring Turkey's best e-government solutions and technologies.

At a government meeting on measures to create decent conditions for Uzbekistan nationals working abroad, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev touched upon the situation in the country related to the pandemic, the presidential press service said in a statement.

Uzbekistan residents will have 3 days off in a row on the occasion of the Independence Day. According to the relevant presidential decree, regardless of working days (5 or 6 day-a-week), Uzbekistan residents will have days off from August 30 to September 1.

On Sunday, August 16, 40 physicians from Russia landed in Uzbekistan to assist in the fight against COVID-19. Barno Abdusamatova, a member of the headquarters for the fight against coronavirus, announced during a briefing at the Agency of Information and Mass Communications.

Uzbekistan Airways announced the cancellation of international flights and part of local flights, planned earlier for August 16-31, the company said in a statement. This is reportedly a forced measure due to epidemiological restrictions in the countries of destination and in the administrative centers of Uzbekistan.

On August 14, USAID’s Future Growth Initiative with Uzbekistan Venture Capital Association (UZVCA) hosted an online roundtable “Formation and Development of Venture Investment in the Republic of Uzbekistan.” Participants discussed the development of private equity and venture capital investment, a necessity for the future development of competitive entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan.

The republican anti-coronavirus commission has made an additional decision, keeping some lockdown restrictions that will keep effect in all provinces and cities of Uzbekistan after August 15.