Thursday, 19, September, 2024

The Cabinet of Ministers draft Measures to set up the Upper Topalang and Bobotog National Parks Resolution in Surkhandarya province has been posted.

It was highlighted that the aim was to protect rare, endangered species of flora and fauna, forest resources in the mountains and foothills of Surkhandarya province, their reproduction, restoration and further development of ecotourism in the mountains and foothills of Surkhandarya province.

The area of ​​land plots allocated to nature parks on the basis of the right of permanent use, land plots allocated for nature reserve, recreational and economic use zones of nature parks, the structure of the executive body of nature parks shall be approved.

The two National Parks will be financed in line with the Regulation on the State Committee for Forestry of Uzbekistan, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on July 19, 2017.

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