Thursday, 19, September, 2024

On October 11, the President of Uzbekistan met with voters of the Kashkadarya. In his remarks, Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed his opinion on the industry’s development of the country.

“When I was prime minister, we tried to solve very difficult issues in Kashkadarya. We would travel and think about cotton problems. Interestingly, we were hanging around the cotton mill, not in the cotton fields. Cotton does not grow at the plant, but rather overreporting grows there, ”the head of state said.

He also said that until 2016, Uzbekistan was selling cotton and gas.

“Selling gas, we made a profit of about US$ 1 billion, and cotton - US$ 800-900 million. Now we export only 15-20 percent of our gas, because we have earlier commitments. But if necessary, we are ready to buy gas, because our industry is growing,” said Mirziyoyev.

In conclusion, the president said that there are quite a few problems in Kashkadarya that need to be resolved.

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