Thursday, 19, September, 2024

Sunny weather without precipitation will reign almost throughout Uzbekistan after a sharp cold snap last week, the Uzhydromet reported.

On Monday and Tuesday (October 11-12), the country will still be under the influence of a cold anticyclone. Uzbeks will be able to feel the frosty air at night - the temperature will drop to 2-5 degrees Celsius. During the day, the sun will warm the air up to 18-20 degrees Celsius.

From Wednesday onwards, the temperature will gradually rise and reach normal mid-October values. At night the air will warm up to 6-9 degrees Celsius, in the daytime - up to 20-23 degrees, in the south it will be up to 25 degrees above zero.

No precipitation is expected during the week, with warm weather throughout the country. Winds in some places will increase to 15-20 m/s on Tuesday and Wednesday (October 12-13)

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