Thursday, 19, September, 2024


Today, the United States through its Agency for International Development (USAID), delivered 131 tons of food aid worth $399,213 to Uzbekistan. The shipment contains a nutritious vegetable and legume mix for distribution to health and social care settings and vulnerable households.

In a statement the health ministry said that 476 new coronavirus cases were confirmed in the country yesterday, with 4 patients dead.

The Government issued a Resolution on June 29 creating Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute in place of the Pedagogical Institute under the Samarkand State University, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education said.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan will visit Uzbekistan in July 2021 to enhance the bilateral trade and economic ties.

Electric buses will be purchased for Tashkent city with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF)as part of the low-emission vehicles program, the Ministry of Transport said.

The Tashkent police department (TPD) issued an official statement regarding the recent statements of the former pop singer Jakhongir Otajonov to government officials.

The government issued a decision creating Sambhram University in Jizzakh city. According to the Ministry of Justice, Sambhram University (India) is a non-governmental higher education institution which will offer IT programs.

487 people were tested positive for coronavirus in all provinces of the country yesterday, with three deaths recorded. The total number of confirmed cases has reached 110,677.

The Senate at the 16th plenary session on June 26 approved amendments to the Bank Secrecy Law and the Investigative Activities Law.

Experts from the WHO Regional Office for Europe arrived in Uzbekistan to build capacity and examine the national public health laboratories conducting COVID-19 testing, the WHO’s country office said.

On June 29, the sixth batch of the Chinese-Uzbek vaccine ZF-UZ-VAC2001 in 1 million doses was delivered to Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Health said.

The Liberal Democratic Party discussed on June 28 a bill amending the Criminal Code and the Administrative Liability Code, the Legislative Chamber reported.

The Tashkent traffic safety police department is testing two patrol electric vehicles, the department said. ORA iQ crossover EV has been manufactured by the Chinese Great Wall Motors since 2018.

A 58-item Action Strategy was developed following the visit of the Vice President of Turkey to Tashkent. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğanis also scheduled to visit Tashkent before the year-end.

Tactical drills were held in the military districts of the Ministry of Defense as part of the check of the combat readiness of all military and enforcement units and their interaction, the Ministry of Defense said.

On June 28, Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a government meeting on the development of copper production and setting up of an industrial cluster, the presidential press service said.

Construction contracts for two major COVID-19 medical facilities near Tashkent went to companies linked to the Uzbek president’s inner circle and the capital city’s mayor, according to an RFE/RL (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty) investigation.

The Uzbek Foreign Ministry on Monday reported of new cases of illegal border crossing by Afghan citizens. On June 27, a group of 44 Afghan border troops and militiamen crssed the state border of Uzbekistan in the area of ​​Shortepa district. A day earlier, on June 26, on the same section of the border, 3 officers of the security forces of the neighboring country entered the territory of Uzbekistan. All Afghan citizens have been returned to their homeland, the Foreign Ministry said.

On June 28, the Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov, who is in Washington on a working visit, met with the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Samantha Power, the Uzbek Foreign Ministry said.

Today, Uzbekistan received the delivery of the sixth batch of 1 million doses of the Chinese-Uzbek vaccine ZF-UZ-VAC2001, the Ministry of Health said. Another batch of three-component ZF-UZ-VAC2001 of 1 million doses is due tomorrow on June 30.