Saturday, 27, July, 2024


Today, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev addressed the 20th plenary session of the Senate. Highlights:

Elmira Basitkhanova deputy prime minister Chairman of the Women’s Committee of at the next meeting of the Legislative Chamber, replacing Tanzila Narbaeva who has become the chairman of the Senate.

A criminal case has been opened against the former Prosecutor General Otabek Murodov, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced today during the 20th plenary session of the Senate.

Uzbekistan Airways will receive another two Boeing 787 Dreamliners by the year-end, the company said. Earlier on April 13, Uzbekistan Airways accepted the delivery of the fourth Boeing 787 Dreamliner. This year, the company will purchase another 2 and bring the number to six Dreamliners in its fleet.

Uzbekistan government delegation led by Deputy Minister of Justice Khudoyor Meliyev is attending the 22nd diplomatic session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law on June 18-24, the Foreign Ministry said.

Nigmatilla Yuldoshev, the former Senate speaker, has been appointed as Prosecutor General of Uzbekistan to replace Otabek Murodov who was dismissed from the post of Prosecutor General inl ine with the clause 12 of Article 93 of the Constitution of Uzbekistan, the presidential press service said. The reasons for the sacking were not disclosed.

The Supreme Court of Uzbekistan sustained the appeal of the former political prisoner, human rights activist Ganikhon Mamatkhonov requesting rehabilitation from his charges under Article 211 of the Criminal Code.

People were forced to perform construction works in Jush village (the native village of Erkinjon Turdimov, the Samarkand province governor) in Kushrabat district in the Samarkand province as part of Obod Qishloq (Improved village) program, the infrastructure improvement state program launched by the President Mirziyoyev. According to Ozodlik (Uzbek service of Liberty Radio), only the employees of budget–financed organizations and those who get child and jobless aids were forced to perform the said works.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev is scheduled to pay an official visit to Belarus in August. This became known today during the meeting of the Uzbekistan-Belarus intergovernmental commission on cooperation in Minsk.

3965 corruption-related offenses have been committed in Uzbekistan since 2017, the Deputy Prosecutor-General Erkin Yuldashev said at a briefing at the Information and Mass Communications Agency on Monday.

On 17 June 2019, the European Council adopted conclusions on a new EU strategy on Central Asia, adapting the EU policy to new opportunities which have emerged in the region.

Gulnara Karimova’s daughter and the granddaughter of the late president Karimov, Iman Karimova published a letter on her Instagram page, which was addressed to the Chairman of the State Security Service and the General Prosecutor.

The regional bio-safety training Jayran will take place in Uzbekistan in autumn as part of the completion of the project: “Strengthening National Legal Framework And Provision Of Specialized Training Biosafety In Central Asian Countries”. The Ministry of Emergency Situations and Health of Uzbekistan will be provided with two mobile laboratories on biological safety worth total of 1 million euros.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the sidelines of the fifth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia Sunday, the presidential press service said.

President of Bangladesh Abdul Hamid visited Bukhara on a private visit, UzA said. At the Bukhara airport, he was welcomed by the Uzbek Deputy PM Aziz Abdukhakimov and the governor of the Bukhara province, Uktam Barnoev.

A Human Rights Watch researcher, Steve Swerdlow, was the target of an aggressive verbal attack while on a visit to Uzbekistan to investigate human rights abuses, Human Rights Watch said today. The organization condemned the attack in Tashkent on June 13, 2019, which appears to be part of a wider smear campaign against Human Rights Watch, other human rights activists, and journalists in Uzbekistan, HRW said in a statement.

The Uzbekistan General Prosecutor’s Office has officially confirmed that it is conducting investigation against the former chairman of the State Security Service (SSS), Ihtiyor Abdullayev, the Deputy Prosecutor General Erkin Yuldashev said today at a briefing.

The draft Use of Atomic Energy For Peaceful Purposes Bill was discussed by deputies in the second reading at the meeting of the Legislative Chamber, Uzatom said.

The executive director of the Smartgov Consulting bureau, as well as a social activist Aziza Umarova, announced her desire to run for the lower house of the Uzbek parliament.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev hosted the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo on the margins of the SCO Bishkek Summit yesterday, the presidential press service said.