Friday, 20, September, 2024


Uzgidromet unveiled the temperature forecast in the country. The weather in the country will be slightly cloudy, may change from time to time, with no precipitation expected for the weekend.

At the plenary session of the Senate, the senators reviewed the Children's Ombudsman Bill. The Bill proposed that draft regulations related to the rights, freedoms and legal interests of children shall be mandatorily agreed with the Children's Ombudsman representative of the child's rights.

Ministry of Emergency Situations commented on the information about the fire in the building of the former Poytakht business tower in Yunusabad district of Tashkent, where refurbishment is underway. Numerous footages of clouds of black smoke visible from afar in the city center have previously spread online.

The weather in Tashkent will be slightly cloudy, with no precipitation expected, and 3-8 m/s westward wind. The temperature will be +4...+6 degrees Celsius at night, +15...+17 degrees during the day.

Following the talks, the president of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko adopted a Joint Statement.

Afghanistan has repaid ff its debt to Uzbekistan for power supplies that had been deferred over the last two years, the Afghan news publication Hasht-e Subh Daily said, citing a representative of the Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) power company Hikmatullah Maiwandi.

Chief of Toshshahartranskhizmat, government entity in charge of Tashkent public transport, Anvar Juraev may have been arrested.

On February 6, the Shaykhantakhur district criminal court of Tashkent city considered the administrative case against the deputy editor-in-chief of the state-owned Nurafshon TV channel.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko held talks head-to-head and afterwards between the official delegations of the two countries.

Shaykhantakhur district criminal court of Tashkent city considered an administrative case against religious blogger Abror Abduazimov, aka Abror Mukhtor Aliy and Khusrav Nasrullaev and sentenced the two men to 15 days of arrest under Failure to comply with the lawful demand of a police officer charge and Resisting the performance of official duty by police officers charge of the Code of Administrative Liability.

Legalizing betting sites in Uzbekistan causes a lot of controversy in the public, and it is too early to talk about any time frame for making a decision, First Deputy Director of the National Agency for Prospective Projects (NAPP) Vyacheslav Pak told reporters at an event at the Agency of Information and Mass Communications.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has accepted the invitation of the president of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and will pay an official visit to Uzbekistan on February 7-9.

Quadrilateral meeting with the participation of senior officials of the ministries of transport and railway authorities of Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Qatar took place on February 6 in Tashkent, the Ministry of Transport said.

National Agency for Prospective Projects (NAPP will sue the international crypto exchange Binance to pay a fine for operating in the country without a license, the First deputy director of the agency Vyacheslav Pak said.

An unnamed official of the private Panorama Airways has been taken into custody, the Prosecutor General's Office said today. The preventive measure was taken as part of a criminal case initiated by the Transport Prosecutor's Office against officials of the airline due to the “failure to take measures to bring back from Saudi Arabia passengers who went to Umrah, and other serious breaches of the law,” with investigation currently underway in this criminal case.

Forest cover has expanded in Uzbekistan, the director of the Forestry Agency Nizomiddin Bakirov said at the meeting of the Legislative Chamber. 

Uzbekistan was the second gold seller in 2023, slightly behind Kazakhstan. This is stated in the information of the World Gold Council (WGC) said in a report.

Minister of Environmental Protection Aziz Abdukhakimov said that harsher penalties for illegal downing of trees was on the table. “Among businesses there were those who, anticipating the cutting down of trees, added the applicable fines to design estimates. If penalties are seriously increased, businesses would think about whether to cut down a tree or not,” the minister said.

In Chartak district of Namangan province, an emergency department paramedic manufactured and sold counterfeit drugs at home, including Zodak, Anaferon, Hilak Forte and Vitamin B6, the press service of the State Security Service said.

Israel's government said on Sunday it would bring in 65,000 foreign workers from India, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan to resume construction stalled since Oct. 7 when Palestinian workers were sent home in the wake of the attack on Israel by Hamas.