Friday, 20, September, 2024


Gazli Gas Storage joint venture, which owns the largest underground gas storage facility in Uzbekistan, Gazli, has changed its owner.

President’s Envoy for Afghanistan Ismatulla Ergashev hosted the Ambassador of the Netherlands, Niko Schemers. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the parties discussed prospects for the development of relations between Uzbekistan and the Netherlands in to address the Afghanistan crisis.

Uzgidromet announced weather forecast for Tashkent city. Occasional light precipitation (rain, snow) is expected on Friday afternoon with temperature in the +5...+8 degrees Celsius range.

Uzbek Ambassador to Japan Muhsin Abdurahmanov held talks with Kazuhiko Oigawa, Governor of Ibaraki prefecture of Japan.

Movement of vehicles that do not meet Euro-5 and higher standards will be gradually limited in the cities of Tashkent, Nukus and provincial centers until 2030. This is provided for by the president Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s February 21 decree which approved the 2024 State Program as part of the Uzbekistan-2030 Strategy.

The University of Cambridge study used data about the physical activity participation of more than a million five-to-17-year-olds internationally. It found that in countries where a majority of schools require students to wear uniforms, fewer young people tend to meet the average of 60 minutes of physical activity per day recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Project of a Radisson hotel, which is set to be erected on the site of the former building of the National Security Service in Tashkent, is estimated at $100 million. This follows from the government resolution on measures to implement the investment program of Uzbekistan for the first quarter of 2024.

On February 19, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev approved amendments changing the powers of the chambers of parliament in order to bring them into line with the updated Constitution. The amendments were passed by the Legislative Chamber on November 14, and the Senate approved it on January 19.

On February 20, 2024, USAID Mission Director David Hoffman, along with relevant Government of Uzbekistan (GOU) stakeholders, launched the five-year USAID All Children Succeeding program in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The event gathered ministries and government agencies, UN organizations, disabled persons organizations, and international education experts. 

British companies are exporting hundreds of millions of pounds of equipment and machinery which almost certainly ends up in Russia, undermining the official sanctions regime and bolstering Vladimir Putin's war machine, according to data analysis from Sky News.

The founder of Azon Global portal, Alisher Tursunov, aka Mubashshir Ahmad, was released from a deportation center in Istanbul on Wednesday, the Uzbek Embassy in Turkey said.

Ceremony took place on February 21 at Hairatan station dedicated to the reconstruction and repair of the Hairatan-Mazar-i-Sharif railway line connecting Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, the press service of Uzbekistan Railways said.

As part of the working visit to Kazan, the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with the Russian president Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, the Uzbek presidency website said.

Today, Nobel Systems Inc. announced the successful completion of the groundbreaking Digital Twin project in collaboration with Uzsuvtaminot, the national water management agency of Uzbekistan.

Judicial Collegium of the Supreme Court for Criminal Cases at its February 20 meeting decided to change the administrative punishment against religious blogger Abror Abduazimov, aka Abror Mukhtor Aliy.

On February 19, the Japanese Ambassador to Uzbekistan Hatori Takashi and the First Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance of Uzbekistan Ilkhom Norkulov signed exchange notes to provide 37 billion yen (about $246.2 million) in a loan as part of the Program To Support Sustainable Economic And Social Development, the Japanese Embassy said.

First Deputy Foreign Minister Bahrom Aloev hosted the Special Representative of the Pakistani PM’s Envoy for Afghanistan Asif Durrani. According to the Foreign Ministry, the parties discussed the ways to further advance the Uzbek-Pakistani strategic partnership ties in the trade-economic, investment and transport communications areas.

Gas production in Uzbekistan in January 2024 declined to 3.99 billion cubic meters (BCM), the Statistics Agency said in its industrial production report.

Funded by the European Union BOMCA 10 Programme officially handed over ICT and communications equipment to the Customs Committee under the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Committee of Veterinary and Livestock Development and Agency of Plant Protection and Quarantine under the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan.

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