Monday, 16, September, 2024


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting of the Security Council at the Situation Center of the Academy of the Armed Forces Wednesday. It took place on the eve of the 26th anniversary of the establishment of the Uzbek Armed Forces marked on January 14. 

Military expenses in the 2018 state budget will be at 4% of the GDP, the Deputy chief of the State Budget Department of the Finance Ministry Ismonjon Mamajonov today said at the meeting of the International Press Club.

In signing the Roadmap, the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the United Nations system have re-confirmed their mutual commitment to collaborate on advancing human development for all people in Uzbekistan, especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, and to work together to build a more prosperous, resilient and sustainable society. 

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the military unit in Chirchik city in Tashkent province and the Academy of the Armed Forces in Tashkent Wednesday, ahead of the Uzbek Army Day (Jan. 14), UzA reported.

Aerospace industry strategy creation and development for 2018-2035 can be developed in Uzbekistan. This initiative was proposed for public consultation in the draft 2018 State Program.

Vice Chairman of the Korean Hospital Association, Professor at Chonnam National University Hospital Taek-Rim Yoon has been appointed adviser to the Uzbek Health Minister, the ministry said.

Uzbek PM Abdulla Aripov today met with the Tajik President Emomali Rahmon in Dushanbe. PM Aripov will also take part in the meetings of the Uzbek-Tajik Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation and the state border delineation committee in Dushanbe.

On Jan. 7 experts of the Smithsonian Institution (USA) arrived in Uzbekistan to study Uzbekistan’s cultural and civilizational heritage and discuss the implementation of the scientific tourism development project.

The current biometric passport in Uzbekistan may be recognized as an international passport, and be replaced with ID cards for internal identity purposes. This is proposed in the draft 2018 State Program which has been posted for public consultation.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev today signed the Uzbekistan's Defense Doctrine Bill into Law, Uzbekistan 24 reported. The defense doctrine represents a system of official views, principles and approaches for ensuring national security in the military field.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Administrative Procedure Bill into Law yesterday. The law was passed by the Legislative Chamber on December 14 and was approved by the Senate on December 20.

Uzbekistan's General Prosecutor's Office inaugurated yesterday its Information and Analytical Multimedia Center, with Babur Alikhanov, former chief of the National Television and Radio Company, appointed as director.

Mayor of Saykhnabad district in Syrdarya province Nosirjon Egamberdiev, who was filmed beating school principals, resigned, the mayor’s office reported. He served in this position since October 2016.

Tourism safety offices have been established within police departments of Bukhara, Samarkand, Khorezm and Kashkadarya provinces, press secretary to the Interior Minister Kutbiddin Burkhonov told UzA.

Uzbek Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov will pay an official visit to Dushanbe from January 10-11, where he will hold talks with Tajik President Emomali Rahmon and Tajik PM Kokhir Rasulzoda.

On Dec. 5 in Yangiyul city of Tashkent province President Shavkat Mirziyoyev made a speech in the meeting of local deputies' council:

"In Yangiyul city we will build  a total of twelve 7-storey houses this year alone. Do you believe the money to build these houses came from the sky? You probably saw the 7-storey affordable houses in Surkhandarya and Karakalpakstan on television, they did not fall from heaven. One should find money to be able to build quality houses and sell them thorugh a transparent process to those who need."

Shavkat Mirziyoyev during the Jan. 5 extraordinary session of Tashkent province Council of People's Deputies, ordered the Prosecutor General and the Interior Minister to sack the provincial regional prosecutor and the chief of police.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree Friday appointing Gulomjon Ibragimov as the Tashkent province governor.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev yesterday visited the Zangiata district in Tashkent province, the President’s press service reported.

The State Department on Thursday unveiled its list of countries designated as the worst offenders against religious liberty. The countries of Burma, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan were labeled as “Countries of Particular Concern” (CPC) in the State Department’s report. The 10 countries on the CPC list are unchanged from last year.