Monday, 16, September, 2024


Uzbekistan Airways accepted delivery of the fifth Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which landed at the Tashkent airport, making a 12-and-half hour flight from Seattle yesterday, the carrier said.

A meeting between the Uzbek PM Abdulla Aripov and the Chief Executive of Afghanistan Abdullah Abdullah was held in Mazar-i-Sharif, Balkh province in northern Afghanistan.

As per the amendments and addenda made to the Internal Regulations of the Correction institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, prisoners in Uzbekistan will be getting additional rights, the Ministry of Justice said.

English law is planned to be introduced in Navoi free economic zone, the Uzbekistan Justice Minister Ruslanbek Davletov, leading the Uzbek government delegation to UK, announced at a meeting at the UK Justice Ministry.

On July 1, 2019, the Uzbek Deputy Foreign Minister Dilshod Akhatov hosted the visiting Polish Deputy Foreign Minister, Marcin Przydacz, the Uzbek Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

A 19-year-old girl was killed in the tragedy when a sky-high flying saucer ride suddenly breoke apart in mid-air, sending thrill-seekers crashing to the ground from a height of 23ft at the Istiqlol theme park in Jizzakh city on Friday.

Uzbekistan Airways is planning to switch to the hybrid airline’s work scheme before 2020, the company said in a statement.

On June 21-27, a delegation of the Nanjing Polytechnic Institute was in Tashkent to discuss the opening of its branch, short-term professional and specialized refresher courses for Uzbek specialists.

The phase II of engineering and survey for the nuclear plant construction project in Uzbekistan commenced on June 29 near Lake Tuzkan, which was chosen as the priority site for the nuclear power plant, Uzatom agency reported.

International Wholesale Electricity Exchange is planned to be created in Tashkent. "We are planning to set up in Tashkent in the near future, let's say that the prototype of a wholesale electricity exchange. Various electricity producers from other countries will be able to offer their electricity surplus for sale," the deputy Energy minister Sherzod Khodjaev said during a press conference.

The combat power of the Uzbek armed forces has almost doubled, the Ministry of Defense said in a statement. “Over 230 tactical-special exercises, about 45 joint events were held by the troops of the Ministry of Defense Over the last two years. As a result, their combat effectiveness increased by 10-12%, and the combat power nearly doubled,” the statement said notes.

The Supreme Court of Uzbekistan commented on the leniency of the sentence to the former Prosecutor General of Uzbekistan, Rashid Qodirov.

Cooperation between the five Central Asian countries is vital for sharing limited water resources, balancing energy needs of upstream countries with agricultural needs of their downstream neighbors and finding common solutions to water resources management, according to the workshop in Tashkent, held under Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) program. For the first time under CAREC program, development partners and regional agencies discussed potential areas of focus for water resources management in Central Asia that could also be supported through the CAREC platform.

The government issued decree establishing the Westminster International School (WIS) in the city of Tashkent, the Ministry of Justice said.

Makhsustrans, the state-owned garbage collection company, offered the Tashkent mayor’s office to install over 66 thousand waste bins in Tashkent, the company said.

Cars import duties could be cut In Uzbekistan in proposed law, the State Customs Committee said in a statement. "In Uzbekistan there are very high customs duties for the cars import. Cutting these rates is being reviewed in parallel with introduction of the recycling tax. The relevant draft bill has been submitted to the lower house. The excise tax and import duty are expected to be lowered after the introduction of the recycling tax, ", - the statement said.

On June 25, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Bill approving the Electoral Code into Law, Xalq Sozi said. The Bill was passed by the Legislative Chamber on February 18 and was approved by the Senate on February 28.

Today, on June 26, the Tashkent City Court announced the verdict against the former Prosecutor General Rashid Qodirov and another 13 defenders in his case.

The military attachés of 27 foreign embassies accredited in Uzbekistan visited the Kokand Garrison of the Eastern Military District as part of the cooperation plan with the Defense Ministry, the ministry said.

The President signed the Ratification of the Protocol to the Convention 29 of the International Labor Organization on Concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour, 1930 Bill into Law,” the Justice Ministry said.