Monday, 16, September, 2024


Uzbekistan Foreign Minister, Abdulaziz Kamilov yesterday in London met with the UK Minister of Investment, Graham Stewart

In the period from July 7 to 10, Gulnara Karimova was granted the right for a long meeting with her daughter  Iman Karimova (July 8 is Gulnara Karimova’s birthday), the Ministry of Justice said in a statement.

The Uzbek Defense Minister Bakhodir Kurbanov will visit the United States this week, the U.S .Ambassador Daniel Rosenblum said at a press briefing yesterday.

The Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal for the rehabilitation of Samandar Qoqonov, who had served 22 years in prison, Aziz Abidov, a spokesman for the Supreme Court, said.

"The energy sector development program of the includes the construction of three new coal-fired power plants. All of them will be located near the Angren coal mine," said Ruslan Mubarakshin, the CEO at Thermal Power Plants.

Uzbekistan is planning to introduce Tax Free system - the VAT retrun procedure for purchased goods to foreign nationals when leaving Uzbekistan, the July 10 Presidential Additional Measures to Improve Tax Administration Decree said.

The cascade of small hydropower plants (HPP) was launched on the Grand Fergana Canal, UzA reported. The project was implemented under the Hydropower Development Program until 2022, approved by the President in May 2017.

July is the hottest month, when the temperature reaches over forty degrees Celsius. Most of the forty-day Chilla heat, which starts on June 25, fall on July.

Stem cell bank is planned to be created at the Center for Advanced Technologies with the participation of the Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, the Ministry of Innovation said in a statement.

Uzbekistan Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov will visit Moscow, Russia on July 10, where he is scheduled to hold talks with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev.

Uzbekistan informed Russia about plans to purchase Su-30SM multi-purpose fighters and ammunition for them, RIA Novosti reported.

Russia will deliver 12 Mi-35M attack helicopters to Uzbekistan, RIA Novosti reported. The delivery timeline of four Mi-35M helicopters is the Q4 of 2019, and of the remaining eight helicopters - 2020.

The Ministry of Justice and the Antimonopoly Committee have studied the Termez city mayor’s order to suspend the operation of Damas taxis, the ministry said.

The online payment system WebMoney Transfer announced its entry into the Uzbekistan market and presented a WMY soum e-wallet., which can be topped up through Uzcard cards, OSON, mobile app, as well as in cash at Paynet payment points and ATMs.

After the former prosecutor general Otabek Murodov was sacked, several high-ranking officials of the Prosecutor General’s Office were also ousted.

In line with the agreements between Uzbekistan and Belarus, a carbopenems (antibiotics) production site is planned to set up in Tashkent’s Yunusabad district.

Gulnara Karimova's lawyer Grégoire Mangeat told in his Twitter account that Switzerland had suspended returning of $ 555 million to Uzbekistan.

The Legislative Chamber deputies passed the Use Of Atomic Energy For Peaceful Purposes Bill in the second and third readings, the Uzatom Agency said.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Personal Data Bill into Law, which was passed by the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis on April 16 and was approved by the Senate on June 21. The law will take effect on October 1, 2019.

Chinese Yingke Law Firm opened its branch in Tashkent on Tuesday to provide legal services for Chinese enterprises and nationals, the second Chinese law firm to do so in Uzbekistan, Xinhua said.