Tuesday, 10, September, 2024

The National Commission on Combating Trafficking in Persons and Forced Labor, together with the State Labor Inspectorate, began to study cases of forced mobilization of graduate students of medical universities to collect anthropometric data in local outpatient clinics, the commission stated.

"Additional information will be provided on the results of the study of this issue," the message says.

Many signals came to the Tashkent Times of case when students and teachers of medical universities, by order of the Ministry of Health, went door to door and collect anthropometric data of citizens.

"And this is during the COVID pandemic!" - said one of the teachers, who was involved in coordinating the work of students.

An appeal to students also appeared on the Internet with an appeal to unite and "not go to forced labor from January 25".

On Thursday, the press service of the Ministry of Health issued a statement by First Deputy Minister Amrillo Inoyatov.

He called reports of forcing students to collect anthropometric data inaccurate: “They are not collecting anthropometric data from the public. This work is being done by nurses."

“The graduate students involved in this event, clinical residents in the capacity of “family doctor” are studying the health status and morbidity rates of each citizen, carrying out the necessary examination and measurements. This activity should be carried out with the participation and under the supervision of their teachers and is considered an important part of the educational process," he said.

He added that from January 25, students doing internships in the provinces will return to the normal learning process.

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