Thursday, 19, September, 2024


On June 9, 2020, Deputy Foreign Minister Sherzod Asadov held videoconference talks with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey Mehmet Süreyya Er, the Foreign Ministry said.

Uzbekistan supplied Kuwait 2.2 million masks worth ўа US$ 450 thousand on a special cargo plane from the Navoi Free Economic Zone airport, Uztekstilsanoat Association said.

On June 8, in a video conference format the Deputy Prime Minister/ Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan S. Umurzakov discussed with the Deputy Prime Minister/Minister of Finance of Singapore Hank Sweet Kit and Senior State Minister of Trade and Industry Ko Po Koon the prospects and mechanisms for enhancing the bilateral political, trade and economic, investment, transport and cultural and humanitarian cooperation, the ministry said.

On June 5, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree on reforming customs administration and improving the activities of the state customs authority of Uzbekistan.

The Government of Uzbekistan by its June 5 resolution has approved the Development Strategy for the Information and Communication Technologies of the State Tax Committee, the press service of the Committee said.

The rail track laying began on the Tashkent’s Sergeli metro line, Uzbekistan Railways reported. The line is scheduled to be commissioned in September this year.

On June 8, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a regular meeting on the progress of reforms in the field of information technology and the digital economy, the presidential press service said.

The chief of the State Authority for Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-being, Nurmat Otabekov, said that the situation with the coronavirus infection in Uzbekistan had been worsening lately.

Uzbekistan joined the Governing Council of the Asia-Pacific Technology Transfer Center. Uzbekistan was elected one of the members of the Council until 2023.

A car was found with a corpse chained to the steering wheel in a water canal of Khorezm province. Earlier on social networks surfaced information that a car was found in a Shovot canal, in which was found the body of a man chained to the steering wheel.

On June 5, the U.S. Embassy handed over essential reagents for COVID-19 testing to the Uzbekistan’s Agency of Sanitary and Epidemiological Wellbeing (ASEW) as part of the United States’ assistance to Uzbekistan to combat COVID-19.

The Deputy Foreign Minister Sherzod Asadov held talks in a video-conference format with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Finland, Marija Elina Liivala on Friday.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Uzbekistan has reached 4302, the Ministry of Health said. On Sunday, 208 people were tested positive for coronavirus, the highest daily rise in cases (the previous record was April 6 - 115 new cases).

The Dustlik-Kuylyuk metro line, the Phase I of the Tashkent ring metro line, was completed, the Tashkent mayor’s office said in a statement.

According to the chair of the Tourism Develoment Committee Aziz Abdukhakimov, the government of Uzbekistan was gradually preparing to resume international flights.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, the number of unemployed in Uzbekistan was about 1.35 million, but now it has reached almost 2 million people, the Minister of Employment and Labor Relations, Nozim Khusanov said at a regular session of the international press club on June 7 dedicated to the development of the Ferghana province.

Public transport on urban and suburban routes will be allowed starting from June 8 in the Yellow and Green lockdown areas. This decision was made by the Special Republican Commission for the Control of Coronavirus.

748.5 thousand tests have been conducted in Uzbekistan Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, of which 18.6 thousand over the last day, Botir Kurbanov, first deputy director of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Agency, said at a briefing on Friday.

Canada will provide 250 thousand Canadian dollars (185 thousand US dollars) to combat coronavirus infection in Uzbekistan, the press service of the Uzbek Foreign Ministry said.

Photos of hens, which were distributed to workers of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant were posted on social networks.