Friday, 20, September, 2024


On the initiative of the Uzbek Embassy in Germany, the international charity organization Friedensdorf International sent a humanitarian aid to Uzbekistan.

684 new coronavirus cases were recorded in Uzbekistan on July 28, which is yet another highest daily increase since mid-March, when the first case was detected. The total number of confirmed cases has reached 21,893, the Ministry of Health said.

Uzbekistan and South Korea are negotiating to resume sending Uzbek migrants to South Korean enterprises, Ortikhoja Norov, head of the press service of the Agency for External Labor Migration, said during a briefing yesterday.

The Uzarkhiv Agency is preparing to enter into a cooperation agreement with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The organizations will have access to each other's funds, will be able to exchange experiences and conduct joint training programs.

On July 27, Uzbekistan recorded the highest daily increase in confirmed coronavirus cases - 678 (a day earlier - 579), the Ministry of Health said. The total number of confirmed cases reached 21,209.

The General Prosecutor's Office announced the first results of a pre-investigation check in the case of the burst of Sardoba reservoir, which occurred on May 1, with, three causes of the disaster announced. Nine officials of the organizations involved in the construction of the reservoir are now facing charges as defendants and have been taken into custody.

The President signed a decree on celebration of Eid al-Adha in Uzbekistan on July 31. Festive events will be held in strict accordance with the lockdown restrictions.

Uzbekistan and Iran plan to hold a meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission in the second year-half. This became known after the talks between theDeputy Prime Minister Sardor Umurzakov and Vice President for Economic Affairs of Iran Mohammad Nahavandian.

The President of Uzbekistan received a congratulatory message on the occasion of his birthday on July 24 from the heads of state, government and parliaments of foreign countries, prominent statesmen and public figures.

By the decision of the Special Anti-Coronavirus Commission, lockdown restrictions, in effect until August 1, have been extended until August 15.

The government of Uzbekistan purchased 1,300 oxygen concentrator and 20 PCR machines and antiviral drugs from China. The plane with the cargo landed in Tashkent, Uzbekistan 24 reported.

Zehavit Ben-Hillel has been appointed the new Israeli ambassador to Uzbekistan, Dunyo news agency reported. Prior to her appointment to Uzbekistan, Zehavit Ben-Hillel worked as the head of the Public Affairs department of the Israeli Foreign Ministry. She will replace Eduard Shapira, who headed the Israeli Embassy since 2017.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a government meeting Thursday on the fight against coronavirus, the presidential press service said.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Uzbekistan increased by 489 (498 a day earlier) and reached 18,868, the Ministry of Health said. 54 cases were detected in a quarantine center near Tashkent in those who arrived from abroad and 435 in those who were tested.

The military-industrial complex of Uzbekistan will perform the modernization of T-64 tank, the State Committee for the Defense Industry said.

The government of the Republic of Korea sent to Uzbekistan the second batch of humanitarian cargo including 206,000 medical masks (KF94), the Korea Republic embassy said.

The CIS countries are set to adopt a cooperation program in the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes until 2030, the Uzbekistan Foreign Ministry said.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a bill into law permitting limited liability companies to issue bonds, the Capital Market Development Agency said.

The Cabinet of Ministers by its July 22 Resolution has simplified the import of a number of drugs and some types of medical equipment, the press service of the Cabinet said.

The State Committee of Uzbekistan for Defense Industry, together with one of the country's major enterprises for special equipment, Kran Va Maxsus Texnikalar LLC, has manufactured the prototype of Tarlon light armored vehicle.