Thursday, 19, September, 2024


On the sidelines of Expo 2020 in Dubai, where on 20 January 2022 Russian nuclear SMR technology was presented, the Rosatom State Corporation and the Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic signed the Memorandum of Cooperation on the construction of small modular reactor nuclear power plants.

1,321 coronavirus cases were officially confirmed in Uzbekistan on January 20. This is the highest figure since the start of the pandemic in March 2020. The previous peak was recorded on January 19 – 1,307 cases.

From January 24, schools, universities, lyceums and vocational education institutions in Uzbekistan will start the educational process online, this was simultaneously reported by the press services of the Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education.

The governors of Syrdarya province Gafur Mirzayev and Khorezm province Farkhod Ermanov were reprimanded by Shavkat Mirziyoyev on Jan 20 meeting dedicated to the privatization of state-owned assets.

Yet another conversation between the Presidents of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev took place on January 20, the press service of the President of Uzbekistan said.

Government authorized vaccination of children aged 5-11 years, announced the Deputy Head of the Service for Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health Nurmat Atabekov.

An elderly man died in the building of the Gijduvan district police department of the Bukhara province, the spokesman to the Prosecutor General's Office Khayot Shamsuddinov said.

On January 27, the first India-Central Asia summit will be held in a conference video call, the Indian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

1,307 coronavirus cases were officially confirmed in Uzbekistan on January 19. This is the highest figure since the start of the pandemic in March 2020. The previous peak was recorded on January 18 – 1,214 cases.

In 2022, it is planned to renew 35% of the public transport bus fleet in Tashkent through the purchase of 410 buses and electric buses. While, the number of large-capacity buses is planned to be doubled. This issue was discussed at a presentation to the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on January 19.

The Consulate General of Uzbekistan in Frankfurt am Main, together with the German clinic Diakoneo, sent humanitarian aid to Uzbekistan, Dunyo news agency said.

The Central Bank decided to keep the interest rate at 14% per annum in order to achieve inflation forecasts for 2022 against the backdrop of high economic growth, as well as to maintain monetary conditions that help reduce price growth, the Bank said.

On January 19, Shavkat Mirziyoyev hosted Dmitry Kozak, the deputy chief of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the presidential press service said.

Most patients who seek medical help at the Zangiata Specialized Infectious Diseases Hospital have a mild form of the coronavirus, said Anvar Khusanov, Director of the Zangiata Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 1.

Checks began in Tashkent to identify non-vaccinated workers, with over 1,000 people sent home in a single day, the state-owned UzA news agency said.

Uzbekistan Airways has resumed all flights to Kazakhstan starting from January 19, the company press service said on Wednesday.

President Mirziyoyev signed decrees for 4 photovoltaic plant projects to be commissioned in Surkhandarya, Jizzakh, Samarkand and Navoi provinces with overall 1,096.6 MW capacity before 2024. Three projects will be implemented by the UAE's Masdar and the fourth by the Netherlands' Phanes Energy Holding III B.V., the Ministry of Energy said.

On January 17, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Additional measures to introduce effective mechanisms to support capital market Decree.

1,214 coronavirus cases were officially confirmed in Uzbekistan on January 18,. This is the highest figure since the start of the pandemic in March 2020. The previous peak was recorded on January 16 – 1,037 cases.

The Anti-Corruption Agency has proposed imposing administrative fines ranging from 810,000 to 1.3 million soums on officials who violate the transparency-related regulations in the activities of state bodies. The MPs approved the proposal.