Friday, 20, September, 2024


The Minister of Health Behzod Musaev and the country head of the UNICEF office Munir Mammadzade signed a road map for 2022-2025, the Ministry of Health said in a statement.

The draft Tax Consulting Bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan was submitted for discussion. The purpose of the draft is to form an institution of tax consultants that defines the basic rules of self-government in the field of tax consulting and works effectively, regulates relations in the field of tax consulting, and provides taxpayers with qualified tax advice.

On Monday, with the movement of moist air mass from Caucasus into Uzbekistan, it will rain in places, snow will fall in the mountainous areas, and there will be no precipitation only in provinces of Ferghana Valley. In some places, wind intensification up to 15−20 m/s is possible. The air temperature will be within +13…+18 degrees Celsius, Uzhydromet reported.

106 coronavirus cases were officially confirmed in Uzbekistan on February 27, the Ministry of Health said. 38 cases were detected in Tashkent city, 23 cases were confirmed in Tashkent province.

On February 27, the Deputy PM/ Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade Sardor Umrzakov held a conference call with the Minister of Investment of Saudi Arabia Khalid al-Falih.

Today, the conference “Legal Support of Strategic Reforms: Final Analysis and New Challenges”, organized by the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan, took place in Tashkent. The event, supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), brought together around 150 representatives from Parliament, the Cabinet of Ministers, international experts, and national and international institutions, including civil society organizations and the media.

The British Council in Uzbekistan has honoured the achievements of its distinguished alumni as part of the Study UK Alumni Awards, a global competition. The award ceremony, held on February 17, was conducted online and was attended by the director of the British Council in Uzbekistan, Denise Waddingham, and Ambassador Tim Torlot of the United Kingdom.

Special Representative of the President of Uzbekistan for Afghanistan Ismatulla Irgashev met with the Chairman of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with Afghanistan Petras Austrevičius.

The Eurasian Intergovernmental Council welcomed the initiative of Uzbekistan to expand participation in the work of the Eurasian Economic Union in four areas, the press service of the EAEU reported.

156 coronavirus cases were officially confirmed in Uzbekistan on February 24, the Ministry of Health said. 58 cases were detected in Tashkent city, 33 cases were confirmed in Tashkent province.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev completed his visit to Karakalpakstan a day ahead of schedule. On February 23, on the first day of the visit, it was reported that the trip would last three days for the first time. On the evening of February 24, the head of state returned to Tashkent.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, during a trip to Karakalpakstan on February 23, familiarized himself with the afforestation progress of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea, the presidential press service said.

The Cabinet of Ministers issued Introducing amendments and addenda to the Measures to organize the issuance of state treasury obligations and bonds of the Republic of Uzbekistan resolution Resolution.

From March 1 this year, Uzbeks can be in open spaces without medical masks. This is stated in the decision of the special anti-coronavirus commission.

Taking into account the aggravation of the situation in Ukraine and the introduction of a state of emergency, the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Kiev appealed to fellow countrymen in Ukraine.

On February 24, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, during a visit to the Beruni district of Karakalpakstan, where it is planned to begin construction of a 100 MW wind power plant, spoke about the instability of the situation in the world and the need to strengthen the economy and the country’s might.

The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Nur-Sultan sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan due to the arrest of Uzbek nationals after the January riots in Kazakhstan, announced the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Yusup Kabulzhanov.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev is expected to visit Muynak district today, on February 23, as part of his trip to Karakalpakstan. Shavkat Mirziyoyev is expected to visit the saxaul plantations in the Aral Sea to get acquainted with the situation.

A conference of special representatives of the EU and Central Asian countries for Afghanistan kicked off in Tashkent, the Uzbek Foreign Ministry said.

Deputy PM/Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade Sardor Umurzakov Tuesday called on Prime Minister Imran Khan and discussed among bilateral issues, trade, investment and business-to-business and people-to-people contact between the two countries.