Friday, 18, October, 2024


On December 20, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade hosted the talks with the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Italian Republic in Uzbekistan, Andrea Bertozzi.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu in a congratulatory letter to the President of Uzbekistan invited Shavkat Mirziyoyev to visit his country.

On 20-21 December Tashkent hosted the regular ministerial consultations for inventory survey and improving the legal framework of relations between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a Decree "On regular draft of citizens of Uzbekistan for military service and release of soldiers who delivered the mandatory service to the Armed Forces reserve."

At the Dec 20 extraordinary session of the Trade Unions Federation Council, Qudratilla Rafiqov was elected as the new chairman of the Federation. The chairman Rafiqov previously served as General Director of Jizzakh Battery Plant, a statement of the press service of the Federation said.

The high level of relations between Uzbekistan and South Korea has laid a solid foundation for cooperation of postal companies of the two countries.

The aviation authorities of Uzbekistan and Ukraine are planning to hold talks in Tashkent on resumption of regular flights on Tashkent-Kiev route, Interfax-Ukraine said.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on 20 December signed a decree "On granting citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan". For the first time in many years the text of the decree has been openly published.

On December 20, the Central Election Commission Chairman M.Abdusalomov met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Uzbekistan, Pamela Spratlen.

The Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, Yerlan Idrisov will on December 22 arrive in Tashkent on a working visit< the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Uzbekistan said.

Major General Muidzhon Tohiriy has been appointed as the Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Uzbekistan, a statement of the SCC website said. Prior to that Muidjon Tohiri headed the Presidential Security Service.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree on the organizational measures for the development and implementation of the State program "Year Of Dialogue with People and Human Interests," the Akhborot program of Uzbekistan channel said.

The objectives of the program, which should be prepared in a month's time - is to radical improvement of the quality and effectiveness of the ongoing democratization processes, and ensure the rights, freedoms and interests, including decent living standards, strengthening the role and responsibility of public authorities for their implementation, introduction of new effective tools and methods for an open dialogue with the people and work with their appeals, timely handling of life's problems of citizens, consistent implementation in practice of the noble idea ​​- "Human interests - above all else. "

A national commission headed by Prime Minister Abdullah Aripov has been formed to develop and implement the Program. The formed working group will be engaged in summation of materials and proposals from ministries, local authorities, economic entities, public and non-governmental organizations.

Priorities of State Program 2017

  • Forming of regular effective mechanisms for parliamentary and public control over the fulfillment of adopted laws at local level, decrees and other legal acts, the efficiency of government agencies to accomplishment of their tasks and responsibilities, respecting of human rights, freedoms and interests, responding to the complaints of citizens.
  • Radical improvement of the system of interaction with citizens and legal entities, introduction of new effective tools and methods to establish an open dialogue with the people, introduction of accountability of khokims at all levels to the public, officials of the prosecution and internal affairs, thus strengthening people's trust in public authorities .
  • Setting of concrete legal, organizational and practical, logistical and financial bases for organization of Local Receptions, ensuring their effective functioning, taking measures to eliminate bureaucratic obstacles and challenges in the fields where there is the largest number of complaints.
  • Improving the system of provision of public services through Single window principle, introduction of modern information and communication technologies into these processes and activities of state bodies, formation of an efficient system of "E-Government".
  • Implementation of measures to strengthen the genuine independence of the judiciary and achievement of justice and increasing the role and significance of legal profession as an institution of reliable protection of human rights, empowerment of lawyers, raising the legal culture and economic and financial literacy of people, formation of citizens' education system in the spirit of respect for the law, increasing social tolerance for the offense, a broad statement of principle in the life of society "Justice is in the rule of law."
  • Gradual reduction of the role of the state in managing the economy, development of the concept of administrative reform, aimed at optimizing the structure, tasks and powers of the state administration, the reduction is not peculiar to them overlapping functions, the formation of an effective system of institute of public service reform a cardinal improvement of material and social security of public servants, involvement of the civil service with modern thinking, proactive, responsible and professionally trained personnel.
  • Ensuring sustainable economic growth, speed up the reforming and liberalization of the economy and agriculture and ensuring food security, support to small businesses, creation of favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activity, ensuring all-round protection of private property.
  • Comprehensive intensive development of territories, particularly districts and towns, remote settlements that are lagging behind in economic and social terms, ensuring the participation of commercial banks in job creation, on this basis gradually increase  wages, pensions, allowances and scholarships, raise the level and quality of life.
  • Implementation of targeted programs on the development and modernization of engineering and communication, social and market infrastructure, construction of affordable and comfortable housing on standardized projects aimed at improving the conditions and quality of life.
  • Implementation of comprehensive measures for the development of education systems, social security and health care, including maternal and child health, to strengthen the institution of family, upbringing healthy and harmoniously developed generation, realization of talents and abilities of young people.

Reinforcing the social state of mutual respect and solidarity, ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, regardless of nationality, religion or belief, strengthening the role and importance of mahalla institute, women's and youth organizations, veterans' associations, peace and security in the country.

Uzbekistan and Pakistan should focus on establishing direct rail and air links that would go a long way towards improving trade activities, Federal Minister for Pakistan Railways, Khawaja Saad Rafique said during the meeting with the Uzbekistan’s Ambassador to Pakistan, Furkat Sidiqov.

The Commanding General of US Army Central, Lt. Gen. Michael Garrett on 13-15 December visited Uzbekistan with a group of advisors and assistants.

Zakirov Batir Irkinovich has been appointed for the position of Chairman of the Uzbek Committee for Architecture and Construction, a statement of the government portal said.

Sharapov Anvar Kurbanovich has been appointed to the position of Chairman of the Uzbek Tourism Development Committee, a statement in the government portal said.

On December 16 was held the extraordinary session of the Bukhara regional council of people's deputies, the press service of the Bukhara regional administration said.

The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on December 16, received the UK Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Alan Duncan.

On December 16, Uzbek Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov met with the Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom, Alan Duncan.

On December 16 was held the extraordinary session of the Surkhandarya regional council of people's deputies, the President press-service said.