Thursday, 19, September, 2024


The UK-based Metito Utilities Limited was awarded the contract for the project "Construction of sewage treatment facilities on public-private partnership terms in the city of Namangan". The tender results announcement ceremony took place on December 23, the Ministry of Finance said.

Hand-over ceremony of humanitarian aid from Uzbekistan to the people of Afghanistan was took place in Afghan Mazar-e-Sharif on December 23, the Foreign Ministry of Affairs said.

The Anti-Corruption Agency reported on the findings of the analysis of implementation of the presidential decree on the openness of state bodies. The report at the meeting of the Senate Committee on December 21 was presented by the head of the agency Akmal Burkhanov.

Uzsuvtaminot denied allegations by the Syrdarya province governor about embezzlement of more than 7 million dollars allocated by the Asian Development Bank for a water supply project for 126 thousand residents of the Khavast district.

Beloved children’s composer, the People's Artist of Uzbekistan Shermat Yormatov died at the age of 82, the Ministry of Culture said in a statement today.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), within the framework of a $ 433,000 grant from the Japanese government, is implementing measures to improve the water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WSSH) system in primary health care institutions in the Termez district of the Surkhandarya province.

Another batch of humanitarian aid was sent to Afghanistan via Termez, the Surkhandarya province governor’s office said today.

Kazakhstan will not impose restrictions on imports of goods from Uzbekistan, the Kazakh Ministry of Trade and Integration said on Tuesday.

St. Petersburg will host the informal CIS summit on December 28. Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the Russia President confirmed the preparation of a summit in person of the leaders of the CIS countries in St. Petersburg, Vedomosti said.

Today, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Almalyk and got acquainted with the progress of the $ 5.12 billion Yoshlik-1 field development project, the presidential press service said.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Additional measures to support low-income groups of the population and further strengthen social protection Decree.

On December 21, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a govt meeting on land registration and the formation of state cadastres. “Frankly speaking, in the last 30 years, land accounting has not been established in Uzbekistan. There is no responsibility or accountability. In Uzbekistan, neither parliament oversaw, no one monitored, no one controlled,” the head of state said.

UzAssets Investment company under the State Asset Management Agency announced its plan to sell the Hyatt Regency Tashkent hotel through a tender.

The Director of Anti-Corruption Agency Akmal Burkhanov at a meeting of the Senate Committee on December 21 said when the system will be launched for declaring income and property by civil servants in Uzbekistan.

Sogdiana Trans (a Uzbekistan Railways subsidiary) plans to increase the volume of cargo transportation from Afghanistan, including to the CIS countries, the company said.

Strong winds were observed today in the afternoon in some districts of Kashkadarya province, which raised dust into the air. In this regard, the traffic police of the Interior Ministry asked the drivers to be careful due to the poor visibility and to observe the speed limit and distance.

US$ 7 million, which were provided by the Asian Development Bank for water supply project in the Khavast district, were embezzled. This was reported by the Syrdarya province governor Gofurjon Mirzaev during his year-end address.

Fergana province governor Khairulla Bozorov announced a new experiment in the province. Now officials and citizens will get 500,000 soums, or US$ 45 for each kilogram of weight they lose.

The State Security Service reported on stopping illegal sale of land plots in the Tashkent, Syrdarya, Namangan and Samarkand provinces on Monday.

A press conference was held at the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Presidential Administration on December 20, 2021 at 16-00, which aimed at informing about the ongoing process of selling the non-core assets of Avtosanoat Invest LLC. Q&A session was organized at the end of the press conference.