Thursday, 19, September, 2024


The branch of the University of Economics and Technology of Turkey (TOBB) will open in Tashkent from the 2020/2021 academic year, it follows from the Cabinet of Ministers resolution of June 17.

Dilshod Akhatov has been appointed the new ambassador of Uzbekistan to India, repalcing Farhod Arziev was appointed the first deputy foreign minister in February, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

The president Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a video-conference on the development of services and domestic tourism Tuesday.

According to the Republican anti-epidemic and prevention of spread of COVID-19 headquarters, Tajikistan will resume flights to the United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan from July 1, Asia-Plus reported.

Japan donated Uzbekistan 500 million yen (nearly US$ 4.5 million) for the purchase of medical equipment to combat coronavirus infection.

According to UzA, Abdulaziz Khaydarov became the new executive director of the extrabudgetary Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance.

On June 12, the Minister of Transport signed a Decree introducing Open Sky policy at Uzbekistan airports, the Ministry of Transport reported.

In response to COVID-19, the United States through USAID and in partnership with the Ministry of Public Education is working with the Sesame Workshop, the makers of Sesame Street, to distribute important health and safety public service announcements in Uzbekistan. Sesame Workshop’s COVID-19 media content package, “Caring For Each Other,” was specifically developed to address the challenges faced by young children and their families during the pandemic.

Patients with asymptomatic or mild coronavirus disease  will undergo treatment at home. Moreover, they will be under medical supervisionб President Shavkat Mirziyoyev instructed to introduce this practice at the Tuesday government meeting.

The construction 2.9 km-long Yunusobod and Turkiston metro stations of the Tashkent’s Yunusobod metro line was completed.

As of 23:00, June 15, 183 cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Uzbekistan, bringing the total number of cases to 5,263, the Ministry of Health said.

The Uzbek authorities will regularly provide the public with information on Gulnara Karimova’s assets returned from overseas to the state budget, the Ministry of Justice said in a statement.

Uzbekistan will resume international flights starting from June 15 as per the decision of the Special Republican Anti-Coronavirus Commission.

By the decision of the Special Republican Commission to Combat Coronavirus, the lockdown measures were extended until August 1, while control over compliance with the restrictions, namely wearing face masks and the use of antiseptic agents in public places, as well keeping social distance to be tightened.

Alisher Kurmanov was appointed as the new Uzbekistan ambassador to Ukraine, the Foreign Ministry said. Prior to this appointment, since 2017, he had worked as chairman of the Senate Committee on International Relations, Foreign Economic Relations, Foreign Investment and Tourism.

The Prosecutor General’s Office commented the footage on social networks in which a lady was showing her brother lying in a hospital with injuries. The man was said to be hospitalized after he was kept in the Andijan police department.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has accepted the invitation and will attend the Victory Parade in Moscow, the press secretary for the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov said in a statement.

Uzbekistan Airports has begun intensive preparations to resume operations, the company said in a statement. Reportedly the talks were held with representatives of more than 20 foreign airlines, including Turkish Airlines, Fly Dubai, Korean Air, Asiana, Air Astana, Aeroflot and Siberia, as well as Uzavia.

George Floyd’s death was a grave tragedy, and we grieve for his family and for his community. One police officer has been charged with murder and three others with aiding and abetting murder, and they will be tried in a court of law.

The Senate will convene for a fifth plenary session on 19 in the form of video conferencing, the Senate’s press service said.