Friday, 20, September, 2024


The Uzatom Agency is preparing for the mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to reviewe safety at the NPP construction site, the agency reported.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev today met with members of the constitutional commission to formulate proposals for amending the country's Constitution. According to the presidential spokesman Sherzod Asadov, at the beginning of the meeting, Shavkat Mirziyoyev answered questions about why a constitutional reform was needed right now and what it would offer to an ordinary person.

Widespread environmental problems are caused by unsustainable human behaviour towards natural ecosystems. To address biodiversity conservation issues with a focus on mountain ecosystems, a joint project of UNDP, Global Environment Facility (GEF) and State Ecology Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, supports the Government of Uzbekistan. Most of the work is focused on the environmental education of the people living in buffer zones with protected areas.

Corpses of two minor children: S.U. and R.U. with traces of murder were found in a home in Andijan city, the press service of the provincial prosecutor's office said.

Regular meeting of the Council of National Coordinators of the SCO member states took place in Tashkent on June 14-17, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

108 coronavirus cases were officially confirmed in Uzbekistan on Saturday, June 18, the Ministry of Health said. Steady increase in cases has been observed since Monday, when about 40 cases were detected, with 90 cases confirmed on Friday.

The Uzbek Senate chairperson Tanzila Narbayeva met with US Deputy Trade Representative (USTR) Christopher Wilson in Washington.

The Chairman of Uzbekneftegaz Mekhriddin Abdullayev visited the Uzbekistan GTL plant in order to study production processes and prepare for the launch of production of final products.

Second Regional SDG Summit: Beyond COVID Towards Just Recovery in Central Asia, organized by the UN and the EU at the initiative of Kazakhstan, was held in Almaty on June 16.

Minister of Transport of Uzbekistan Ilhom Mahkamov held online talks with Minister of Transport and Communications of Belarus Alexei Avramenko, Dunyo reported.

For the first time, Uzbek truck drivers have successfully completed the transit through Afghanistan to Pakistan. A tripartite working group meeting on transport matters was held in Termez on March 26-27 with the participation of representatives of major transport and logistics companies of Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan, the International Association of Road Carriers and transport and customs authorities.

59 cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Uzbekistan on June 16,, including 45 in Tashkent, the Ministry of Health reported. This is the highest rate since mid-March.

The number of cybercrimes has increased over the past 3 years by multiple folds, announced at a press conference at AIMC with the participation of employees of the Cybersecurity Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Should Uzbekistan’s new Constitution be adopted, the incumbent President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will be able to again bid in the presidential elections. Sodiq Safoev, First Deputy Chairman of the Senate said.

As the UN marks the International Day of Family Remittances on Thursday, there is concern that economic contraction and job losses in Russia - likely to now rise further as a result of sanctions imposed since the invasion of Ukraine - are already having an impact on remittance-dependent communities in Central Asia, according to experts with the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev is set to pay an official visit to Uzbekistan in the second half of June. Ahead of the visit, the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan and the State Tourism Agency of Azerbaijan organized a trip for Uzbek journalists to get acquainted with the culture, historical sites, as well as the customs and traditions of Azerbaijan.

The President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Security Activities Bill into Law on Thursday. As per the law, the main tasks of security activities are:

One of the most corrupt sectors in Uzbekistan is the banking sector, Akmal Burkhanov, director of the Anti-Corruption Agency, said at the Tashkent Anti-Corruption Council June 14 meeting.

Next meeting of the constitutional commission will be held on June 17 at 10:00 am to formulate proposals and additions to the basic law and strengthen organizational measures, the press service of the commission said in a statement.

Tashkent to Volgograd passenger train service will be launched on June 25, Uzbekistan Railways reported. the Tashkent to Volgograd service will depart from the Tashkent-Central railway station on Saturdays at 23:58, arrival at the Volgograd railway station is scheduled for Tuesday at 09:56.