Saturday, 21, September, 2024


On December 12, Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov met with US Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Samantha Power and USAID Deputy Administrator Isabelle Coleman.

The United States welcomes the achievement by Uzbekistan of an agreement on the demarcation of the state border with Kyrgyzstan, stated the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken before the start of negotiations with the Uzbek Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov in Washington on Monday.

The Durango State Police rescued seven Uzbek citizens who were being held against their will on a farm in Gómez Palacio, demanding $1,200 to let them out.

President’s Envoy for Afghanistan Ismatulla Ergashev held talks with the US ambassador, Jonathan David Henick. The parties discussed the current situation in Afghanistan and enhancing the Uzbek-American dialogue in the affairs related to Afghanistan.

Today, the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev hosted the CEO of the Hungarian OTP Bank, Sándor Csányi, the presidential press service said.

Delegation of Uzbekistan headed by Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov will visit the United States of America on December 12-14, the Foreign Ministry said.

Three family members died from carbon monoxide poisoning in Karshi district of Kashkadarya province, the Prosecutor General's Office said today.

Weather without precipitation is expected in Uzbekistan on Monday, Uzhydromet reported. Light snow is possible only in Bukhara, Navoi and Samarkand provinces, precipitation (rain, snow) in areas of Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya provinces. During the day, the air will warm up to 0 ... +3 degrees, slightly negative temperatures will remain only in some areas.

Several executives of state energy enterprises who allegedly committed "illegal acts which prompted problems in gas and electricity" were taken into custody. This was announced at a regular meeting of the Republican headquarters on Sunday by the chief of the Presidential Administration Sardor Umurzakov, UzA reported.

On December 9, Deputy PM/Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Jamshid Kuchkarov hosted the Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Hu Chunhua, the ministry said.

Moscow buses were posting announcements in Uzbek, Kyrgyz and Tajik languages with a call to enlist in the Russian Armed Forces in exchange for obtaining Russian citizenship under a simplified procedure.

The Cybersecurity Center of (CERT-CBU) has launched its website in test mode -, the press service of the Central Bank said.

The Russian foreign minister reacted to the news about the possible inking of a tripartite gas union with the participation of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The Uzbek authorities informed that the import of energy resources will be carried out only on a commercial basis.

The state electric power corporation Turkmenenergo increased the daily electricity export to Uzbekistan by about 17%, the press service of the Regional Electric Networks reported.

On December 7, the Ferghana province criminal court ruled to arrest seven of workers of Albus gypsum plant for staging a protest against a gas shutdown and suspension of the plant. This was reported by the press service of the Fergana province police department.

The OPEC Fund for International Development is contributing US$50 million to a syndicated trade finance facility along with the Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC). The total US$100 million facility will improve food security in Uzbekistan by supporting the trade of critical agricultural products.

The Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov hosted the UK Ambassador Tim Torlot. The parties discussed the bilateral ties and the ways to advance them.

Uzbekistan population surpassed 36 million people as of December 9, the State Statistics Committee said in a report. The number of females stands at 17,849,445 and that of males - at 18,076,253.

Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov arrived in the Kyrgyz Republic to attend the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council (EAEU) as the head of the delegation of a EAEU observer state, the press service of the government of Kyrgyzstan said.

Police officers in provinces contacted the parents of journalists living and working in Tashkent about the publications and comments of their children on social networks. This situation happened, in particular, with the journalist of Shokhrukh Khaydarov, reported.