Friday, 20, September, 2024


A set of measures will be implemented in Uzbekistan to develop transport logistics, expand overseas and domestic routes and improve the quality of transport services. This is provided for by the Tourism Sector Development Concept for 2019-2025, approved by the President's Additional Measures for Swift Development of Tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan Decree of January 5.

Nationals of 109 countries can get a residence permit in Uzbekistan when they purchase real estate. This was stated in the President's Additional Measures for Swift Development of Tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan Decree of January 5.

Uzbekistan hotels will allow guests to stay together "regardless of their residence inscription (propiska), citizenship, kinship and marital relations, as well as other factors that restrict the right to privacy." This was emphasized in the President's Additional Measures for Swift Development of Tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan Decree of January 5.

The maiden International Bakhshi Art Festival will be held in Termez city of Surkhandarya province on April 5-10, 2019 at the initiative of the Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev will visit the Federal Republic of Germany on January 20-22. As part of preparation for the visit, Uzbekistan Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov, heading a government delegation to Berlin on November 8, 2018, met with the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, with whom he discussed the prospects of cooperation within Uzbekistan-EU format and touched upon the situation in Afghanistan. Minister Kamilov also met with the German Chancellor's Foreign and Security Policy Adviser Jan Hecker in Berlin.

Migration departments in Tashkent’s 11 districts began to accept documents for issuing international passports as of January 4, Tashkent Migration and Citizenship Department said.

Mohamed Iltaf Sheikh, a 77-year-old Tory peer who founded the Conservative Muslim Forum has married an Uzbek student, Guli Murodova, who is 45 years younger than him, DailyMail said Saturday.

Uzbekistan's cooperation with the Central Asian countries on security and other regional affairs will be stepped up, the draft 2019 State Program said.

On December 29, 2018, the Uzbek Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov hosted the Turkish Ambassador Ahmet Başar Şen, who is ending his diplomatic posting in Uzbekistan.

Five girls died in Urikzor mahalla in Zangiata district of Tashkent province on the night of December 29 from carbon monoxide poisoning.

The Development Strategy Center has published the draft 2019 State Program “The Year of Active Investments and Social Development” for public consultation. Discussion will last until January 15.

Colonel Bakhtiyor Pormonov has been appointed head of the Main Patrol and Public Order Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, the ministry said.

30 day visa-free regime will be introduced for German citizens visiting Uzbekistan for tourism purposes as of January 15, 2019,, the Tourism Committee said.

As of January 1, 2019, Vladimir Norov has assumed the post of Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Baskin-Robbins, the largest chain of ice cream and cake specialty shop restaurants and world leader in the varieties, opened its first cafe in Tashkent's Samarkand-Darvoza mall.

The phase I of the construction project of the business aviation airport in place of the former Tashkent-Sharqiy (Eastern) airfield is scheduled to be completed in 2020, the main contractor Uzbekistan Railways said.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his annual message to the parliament on Friday declared 2019 as The Year of Active Investments and Social Development.

On December 26, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the bill on ratification of the Constitution of the International Organization for Migration into law. The document was passed by the Legislative Chamber on December 12 and approved by the Senate on December 14.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, according to the Kremlin press service said in a statement.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Uzbekistan's Accession to the Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against the Illegal Reproduction of their Phonograms Bill into the Law.