Thursday, 19, September, 2024


On November 30, the European Commission approved the Uzbekistan's application for obtaining the status of a beneficiary of the Generalized System of Preferences plus "GSP +", the Uzbek Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade said in a statement.

Uzbekistan will get the observer status in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in December, said Mikhail Anisimov, the director at a department of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade Tuesday.

The Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov spoke to the U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo Monday.  The U.S. Secretary Pompeo reaffirmed U.S. steadfast support for Uzbekistan’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence, and for President Mirziyoyev’s reform agenda.  The Foreign Minister and the Secretary reflected on the progress of human rights reforms, including broadening religious freedom, combatting trafficking in persons, and expanding space for civil society and journalists, and also discussed opportunities for U.S. exporters and investors as Uzbekistan pursues market-oriented policies and privatization.

Mehriddin Abdullayev, Chairman of Uzbekneftegaz, answered a question about the volume of gas production in Uzbekistan.

A significant step has been made towards transport digitalisation with the first eTIR pilot movements between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Today, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke to the Russian President Vladimir Putin over the telephone, the Uzbek presidency press service said in a statement.

The Ministry of Finance presented the 20 largest taxpayers in Uzbekistan. These companies are projected to contribute 47.3% of total revenues of the state budget in 2021, the draft Citizens Budget 2021 noted.

Uzbekistan calls for a phased resumption of flights, train and bus services between the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to promote tourism and cultural exchange, the Uzbekistan PM Abdulla Aripov said today in his statement at an online meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the SCO countries.

After videoconference meeting with the Uzbek Deputy PM/Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade Sardor Umurzakov, the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Péter Szijjártó, speaking to the press, said that Uzbekistan is a "key economic partner" in Central Asia for Hungary, Dunyo news agency reported.

Komil Allamjonov, the chief of the board of trustees of the Public Fund for Support and Development of National Mass Media, commented on the publications of online media outlets, which reported receiving warnings from the Agency of Information and Mass Communications.

Presidential deputy-adviser in charge of the economy Galina Saidova gave an interview to La Tribune: "Since 2017, the reforms introduced by President Shavkat Mirzioyev have placed Uzbekistan on an unprecedented growth path.

The Ministry of Justice, together with the Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, has developed a draft Teacher’s Status Bill.

Cyber cafes will be allowed to open from December 1, the Ministry of Health reported, citing the decision of the Special Republican Commission to Combat Coronavirus. The commission noted that the move was aimed at developing the cyber gaming in the country.

On the sidelines of the 13th Republic of Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum, on November 26, 2020, the Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov met with the South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun, the Uzbek Foreign Ministry said.

As part of the Class! humanitarian project, the Uzbek Public Education Ministry and the Russia Ministry of Enlightment have announced the recruitment of Russian language teachers to be deployed in Uzbekistan, Rossiyskaya Gazeta said.

The former President of Kyrgyzstan, Askar Akayev, commended the reforms carried out in Uzbekistan during the Presidency of Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

On November 26, 2020, the Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov met with the President of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Lee Mi-kyung, in Seoul, the ministry said.

Uzbekistan will restore its membership in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) from 2021. This decision was made on November 23 at the annual session by the committee of plenipotentiaries of the JINR member states, the Academy of Sciences reported.

A center for training and retraining of Uzbek and Afghan nurses will open in Termez in the second half of 2021. Germany has also pledged US$ 10 million euros to strengthen the role of women in public administration, the Senate said in a statement.

The Ministry of Justice posted the government’s draft additional measures to improve the legal literacy of civil servants resolution for public input.