Thursday, 19, September, 2024

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) officially launched the Quality Club, which will provide a mechanism for continuous dialogue between the Agency for the Development of Pharmaceutical Industry and local pharmaceutical manufacturers to discuss updates, challenges, and solutions related to medicines and medical products regulation in Uzbekistan.

Representatives of the USAID Mission to Uzbekistan, Agency for Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry, State Center for Expertise and Standardization of Medicines, Medical Devices and Medical Equipment, the Association of Pharmaceutical Industries of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the National Chamber of Innovative Health under the Ministry of Health, and participants from about 20 manufacturers attended the event.

During the event, panelists from these organizations discussed the current status of the pharmaceutical industry in Uzbekistan, the contributions of local medicines manufacturers to the general market, and current achievements, obstacles, and areas of improvement in the pharmaceutical industry. The discussion also provided an opportunity for participants to identify the specific goals and objectives of the Quality Club.

Speaking at the event, Cherry Gumapas, Health Development Office Director of the USAID Mission in Uzbekistan stated, “This event highlights the strong commitment by USAID to support the Government of Uzbekistan to develop its pharmaceutical industry. Development of a strong domestic pharmaceutical industry that can produce high quality standards medicines, including tuberculosis medicines, is important from a public health as well as an economic development standpoint.”

The event was organized by USAID’s “Promoting the Quality of Medicines Plus (PQM+)” activity and will encourage enhanced collaboration with pharmaceutical stakeholders in Uzbekistan, ensuring the availability and access to quality medicines and medical products to the public.

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