Saturday, 21, September, 2024


The governments of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan plan to update the terms of travel of citizens of the two countries, reported, citing a draft MoM on amending the relevant agreement.

Today, Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke to the Russian President Vladimir Putin over telephone. The parties discussed the ways to further expand cooperation and strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership ties between Uzbekistan and Russia, the presidential press service said.

Uzbeks consume three times more salt than the level recommended by the World Health Organization, Deputy Head of the Authority for Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health Nurmat Atabekov said, speaking at a briefing at the Information and Mass Communications Agency.

The Uzbek Ambassador Said Rustamov held talks with the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Europe of the United Kingdom Leo Docherty, Dunyo reported.

Local inspector of Tashkent’s Almazar district, senior lieutenant N. Bobomurotov, died after being assaulted, the Tashkent city police department reported.

The daily Uzbekistan coronavirus cases is growing. According to the Ministry of Health, on November 29, 141 people were confirmed to have coronavirus in the country during the day.

First Deputy Foreign Minister Furqat Sidiqov hosted the US Ambassador Jonathan David Henick, the Foreign Ministry reported. The parties reportedly reviewed the state and the ways to further advance the Uzbek-American ties of strategic partnership and reiterated their readiness to continue an active and constructive political dialogue.

Deputy Foreign Minister Bakhrom Aloev hosted the Ukrainian Ambassador Nikolai Doroshenko, the Foreign Ministry reported.The parties reportedly discussed the Uzbek-Ukrainian ties and exchanged views on the prospects for further expanding trade and economic ties, including the provision of benefits and preferences on a reciprocal basis to business entities of the two countries. 

The Ministry of Energy, together with the Korean Energy Agency, has implemented yet another project. According to the ministry, a solid fuel (pellets) production unit project through processing of production waste was launched in Khodjeyli district of Karakalpakstan. 

The President signed the State Registration of Rights to Immovable Property Bill into Law. The document was signed on November 28, 2022 and will take effect 3 months after the day of its official publication.

As reported earlier, the speaker of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin landed in Tashkent. He held talks with speakers of the Uzbek Legislative Chamber and Senate, Nurdinjon Ismoilov and Tanzila Norboyeva.

Law enforcement academy will be set up at the Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office, where a system of continuous training of personnel in the field of crime investigation will be organized, ensuring close connection with practice. This is provided for by the Nov. 28 presidential decree.

The spokesman to the President of Kazakhstan Ruslan Zheldibay said that Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the creation of a "tripartite gas union" (Russia + Kazakhstan + Uzbekistan) at the talks in Moscow. The purpose of the mechanism is to coordinate the transportation of gas, quoted him as saying.

The United States is closely following the trials that began today in Bukhara of 22 people accused of actions related to the tragic events in Karakalpakstan in July. The Embassy of the United States issued a statement: 

The first day of the trial in the criminal case on the events in Nukus on July 1-2 ended in Bukhara province Court. In the afternoon, the charges of the prosecutor's office was announced.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the Chairman of the Russian State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin on Monday. At the beginning of the meeting, Vyacheslav Volodin conveyed the greetings and best wishes to the leader of Uzbekistan on behalf of Vladimir Putin.

Kazakhstan supports the proposal of Russian President Vladimir Putin to create a "some kind of trilateral union" of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, including to address the gas sector-related issues, Interfax reported on Monday with reference to the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan has prepared a draft treaty between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan on alliance ties.

Today in Tashkent, Speaker of the Legislative Chamber Nuriddin Ismoilov and Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin discussed the development of inter-parliamentary relations, the press service of the Parliament of the Russian Federation said.

Uzbekistan is all set to become a medical hub for CIS countries with support from a leading Indian healthcare provider company Aakash Healthcare LLC which opened and operationalized Aakash Multispecialty Hospital here today.