Saturday, 21, September, 2024

Project of waste-to energy plant from Akhangaran and Maidontol landfills has been launched in Tashkent province, the press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources said.

Foundation laying ceremony of the complex was attended by a delegation of the Republic of Korea headed by the Deputy Minister of the Environment Yoo Jechul, as well as the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources of Uzbekistan Narzulla Oblamuradov, the First Deputy Minister of Energy Azim Akhmedkhojaev and Lee Kyung Yong, CEO of Sejin G&E, the company which is implementing the project.

Reportedly, this is the first electricity production project from landfill gas not only in Uzbekistan, but in whole of the Central Asia.

Sejin G&E will invest $55 million in direct investment in this project. As previously reported, within the framework of the project, 12 generators and auxiliary equipment will be installed at Akhangaran and Maidontol landfills to generate electricity from landfill gas with a total capacity of at least 16 MW - 10 units of 1560 kW and 2 units of 500 kW.

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