Friday, 20, September, 2024


Uzgidromet announced the weather forecast for Tashkent city on Thursday, January 25. The weather will be slightly cloudy, with rain in the afternoon, which may turn to snow in the evening. The temperature will be +4...+6 degrees Celsius at night, +7...+9 degrees during the day.

The president’s Envoy for Afghanistan Ismatulla Ergashev met with Asif Durrani, the Pakistani PM’s Envoy for Afghanistan on Tuesday.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev began his state visit to China with a meeting with Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Qiang, the presidential press service said.

In the Akkurgan district of the Tashkent province, two men who claimed to be exorcists tortured a woman, 42, to death. The incident occurred in July 2023.

With the support of the Uzbek Embassy in Singapore, a "cooperation agreement on a mega-factory and distribution center in Tashkent province project " was signed, Dunyo said.

Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, is implementing a project aimed at developing a national platform and a mobile app for air quality monitoring in Uzbekistan.

Today, the United States through its Agency for International Development (USAID), delivered 131 tons of food aid worth approximately $425,000 to Uzbekistan. This aid will provide 6.5 million meals to the country’s most vulnerable citizens through distribution in over 120 health and social protection facilities providing support to patients in tuberculosis and mental health care facilities, children with disabilities, and senior citizens.

Ombudsman Feruza Eshmatova appealed to her Russian counterpart Tatyana Moskalkova about the abuse of Uzbek migrant workers in Yekaterinburg, her spokesman said on January 22.

New 3 times-a-week Warsaw to Tashkent regular flights could be launched. This was discussed at a meeting between the Tourism Committee and representatives of Uzbekistan Airports on expanding the geography of flights.

3-magnitude earthquake occurred at 23:13 on Monday in Tashkent and other provinces of Uzbekistan. Tashkenters living on higher floors felt vibrations for 30-40 seconds.

Government delegation led by the First deputy foreign minister, Bahrom Aloev attended the 19th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement held on January 19-20 in Kampala, the capital of Uganda.

Minimum consumer spending for 2024 has been set at 621 thousand soums per capita per month, which is 9.3% higher than last year, and has been adjusted to the 2023 inflation rate.

Major survesy will be conducted among Uzbeks on internationally accepted standards. This is defined in the plan of actions for 2024-2026 of the Public Health-2030national strategy.

On Monday, warm air mass from Turkmenistan will start moving to Uzbekistan, the press service of Uzhydromet reported. While, no precipitation is expected across the country; during the day the air will warm up to +9…+12 degrees.

The Unified nationwide processing center reported temporary interruptions in the operation of the Uzcard payment system. Consumers reported that Uzcard was not processing on mobile apps, and with no card balance displaying.

At its Jan. 20 session, the Senate passed amendments aimed at improving environmental safety. According to the senators, ever expanding construction, manufacturing and urbanization are causing an increase in the amount of pollutants released into the environment.

On January 19, 2024, a round table was held in Tashkent to discuss the findings of four expeditions conducted by the Scientific Information Center of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission of Central Asia (SIC ICWC) on the dried bed of the Aral Sea.

According to the data from automatic atmospheric air monitoring stations on January 19, 2024 at 8:00 in Tashkent city: 

Man was arrested while trying to sell a Makarov pistol in Jambay district of Samarkand province, the press service of the State Security Service reported.

At the Senate session, senators reviewed Amendments and addenda to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Code of Administrative Liability due to the liberalization of liability for certain categories of criminal acts.