Friday, 20, September, 2024


Meeting took place with the managing director of Uzbekistan Business Consultants, Peter Margetts at the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the UK. During the talks, the parties exchanged opinions on the ways step up cooperation with Uzbekistan, implementation of joint projects, attraction of foreign investments.

Belarusian tractors could be assembled in Uzbekistan, UzA reported with reference to Belta news agency. Reportedly, the Minsk Motor Plant and Planeta Servis reached an agreement on a new project aimed at organizing the assembly of diesel generators and compressor stations in Uzbekistan. In this regard, license agreements have been signed to start the assembly of Belarusian agricultural machinery.

An IUCN-led international partnership has launched the One Health Central Asia initiative, aiming to mitigate the risk of zoonoses – diseases that are naturally transmissible from animals to humans – in Central Asia.

Prosecutor of Kogon district of Bukhara province, Bahodir Ghulomov, was caught by State Security officers while he was receiving US$ 90 thousand. Reportedly, he received the money in exchange for the cancellation of the preventive measure of imprisonment and for a more lenient sentence in the criminal case.

73 turbines have been erected at two wind farms project in Bukhara province, the press service of the Ministry of Energy said. The project is being implemented by ACWA Power from Saudi Arabia.

Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan have increased the reciprocal duration of stay of their citizens in the other country without registration to 15 days, the press service of the Uzbek Interior Ministry said.

Uchkurgan border customs checkpoint is being erected underway in Uchkurgan district of Namangan province, which will connect Uzbekistan with Kyrgyzstan, the UzA said.

At the plenary session of the Senate, the senators reviewed and passed the ratification of the International Labor Organization Convention No. 95 on the Protection of Wages (Geneva, July 1, 1949).

Tashkent city council of people’s deputies meeting, the director of Veolia Energy Tashkent Alisher Khaitmetov made proposal to increase prices for hot water supply and heat supply for the public on February 8.

A horrific traffic accident that resulted in death of people occurred on the Kamchik pass. On February 12, 2024, a car transporter with new cars had an accident at the pass.

Uzgidromet unveiled the Tashkent city weather. It will be partly cloudy, with no precipitation. Temperature at night will be within +5...+7° Celsius range, while during the day +19...+21° Celsius.

Women are getting the right to drive buses In Uzbekistan, the press service of the Ministry of Transport said today. Reportedly, in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers Feb. 12 resolution, the clause 27 of the Annex 2, and the clause 5 of the Annex 3 of the Government Decision of May 31, 2018 have become invalid.

Parents of children who were not attending school classes are receiving warning letters, which are reminding them of the availability of all conditions for students and the their responsibility of parents for making sure that their children attend school.

State Security Service unveiled details of the criminal case against the former chief of Toshshahartranshizmat, the Tashkent public transport entity, Anvar Juraev.

Uzbeks have 3,759,450 automobiles in possession, the Statitics committee said in a report. Reportedly, as of January 1, 2024, the number of vehicles owned by Uzbeks was at 4,020,744. This count stood at 3,268,470 two years ago.

Dry and very warm weather for mid-February will remain throughout Uzbekistan Until Thursday, Uzhydromet reported. The temperature on February 12-13 at night will be within +3...+8 degrees Celsius range, during the day - +12...+17. On February 14-15 it will be even warmer - at night - +5...+10 degrees, during the day - up to +19...+24.

President Mirziyoyev signed a decree on February 9 ordering to set up an interprovincial hospice with 50 beds in Karshi city in 2026 to provide palliative care to patients suffering from severe hematological, oncological and clinical immunological diseases.

Uzbekistan courts found 666 people guilty of sexual harassment under the new Article 41−1 of the Administrative Liability Code in 2023, the Supreme Court’s spokesman Aziz Abidov said.

Qatar Airways, owned by the state of Qatar, will launch regular flights to Uzbekistan, the Uzbekistan Airports said. Reportedly, the first four-times-a-week Doha to Tashkent flight is scheduled as of June 2, 2024.

Uzgidromet unveiled the temperature forecast in the country. The weather in the country will be slightly cloudy, may change from time to time, with no precipitation expected for the weekend.