Friday, 20, September, 2024


Visit Uzbekistan magazine has invited British-American travel writer Megan Eaves to become its Managing Editor and serve as the magazine’s international development advisor. The first edition with her participation was Issue 26, a special issue dedicated to Bukhara.

The International Trade Center (ITC) will implement the European Union’s ‘Facilitating the process of Uzbekistan’s accession to the WTO’ project is a five-year initiative implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC). The project aims to support Uzbekistan's development plans to modernize its economy by leveraging its WTO accession process.

Over the past two years, 2,477 persons have been prosecuted for 371 billion soums worth of embezzlement in Uzbekistan, Prosecutor General Nigmatilla Yuldashev said on Saturday at an interdepartmental meeting on the fight against corruption.

The chief of the sanitary and epidemiological supervision department of Bukhara province was detained while receiving a bribe.

The President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will on November 10 attend the online meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the presidential press service said.

23 accords were signed at the online meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of Government held on November 6 aimed at the development of the transport system, energy, construction, education, culture, tourism, physical culture and sports, as well as youth policy, the press service of the Prime Minister said.

Over the past two years, 318 law enforcement officers have been brought to justice in Uzbekistan, including among the officers of the Department under the Prosecutor General's Office (3), the National Guard (4), courts (5), justice (7), prosecutor's office (13), customs authorities ( 27), the Bureau of Compulsory Enforcement (45) and the police (170), the Prosecutor General Nigmatilla Yuldashev announced at an interdepartmental meeting on Saturday.

On November 7, the Ministry of Innovative Development hosted a meeting which discussed the organization in Uzbekistan of the third phase of clinical trials of a coronavirus vaccine produced in China.

Botir Zaripov has been approved as the governor of Bukhara province at an extraordinary meeting of the regional council of people's deputies on Saturday, a source told the Tashkent Times. The information was also confirmed by the press service of the governor’s office.

Uzbekistan and Afghanistan intend to jointly draw funds from international financial institutions for the development of transport corridors in Central Asia, the Uzbek Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade (MIFT) said.

On October 6, the Ministry of Health signed an agreement with the joint venture Jurabek Laboratories on the supply of 39,000 packages of the antiviral drug Remdessa (remdesivir) for 11.9 billion soums, or US$ 1.1 million, with each package priced at 307.5 thousand soums, the government procurement agency said.

The meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will be held on November 10 via videoconference.

Two Turkish nationals were arrested in Tashkent for counterfeiting 110,000 dollars on a printer after they bought a diamond ring from a local.

The Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov today had a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Mikhail Mishustin, the press service of the Uzbek PM said.

The Senate will convene for the eighth plenary session on October 21 through a videoconference, the press service of the Senate said.

On October 20, the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev hosted the visiting commander of the United States Central Command, General Kenneth F. Mackenzie Jr., the presidential press service said.

On October 20, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Further Development of the Uzbek language and Improvement of the Language Policy in Uzbekistan Decree. Starting from this year, on October 21 in Uzbekistan will be marked the Day of Uzbek language.

On October 19, the third meeting of the Subcommittee between Uzbekistan and the European Union (EU) for Development Cooperation was held via video-conference. The event was organized by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan.

The Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China Li Zhanshu plans to visit Uzbekistan, the press service of the Uzbek Senate said in a statement.

The mayor of Kattakurgan district of the Samarkand province, Azamkhon Usmonovich Bakhramov, has died at the age of 60, the press service of the provinceal administration reported.