Thursday, 19, September, 2024

The Russian Railways are ready to cooperate with the Uzbekistan of to prepare a feasibility study for the Trans-Afghan railway project, the company said.

The Russian Railways Holding is reportedly ready to cooperate with the railways of Uzbekistan for preparing a feasibility study for the Trans-Afghan Railway project.

In early February 2021, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan signed in Tashkent a roadmap for the Mazar-i-Sharif-Kabul-Peshawar railway project. The project was planned to be prepared in May, and the construction of the railway should have begun in September this year.

The project is estimated at US$ 5 billion. It involves the construction of a 573 km railway with a transit potential of up to 20 million tons of cargo per year.

The new transport corridor will connect the European Union, Russia, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and further the states of Southeast Asia.

The Uzbek authorities call it the Project Of The Century and expect that it will allow Uzbekistan to diversify its export markets, reduce tariffs for the transit of Uzbek goods, providing a short and cheap access to South Asia and seaports.

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