Monday, 16, September, 2024

On September 6, the Deputy PM/Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Jamshid Kuchkarov met with Asian Development Bank Vice President for Private Sector and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Asoka Lavasa, the Ministry said.

Reportedly, the parties discussed the development of PPP and ongoing projects, current and future cooperation in this area between Uzbekistan and the bank.

The parties exchanged views on the scale reforms being carried out in the country, in particular, at state enterprises, and on the privatization of state-owned banks, and following the meeting agreed to further enhance interaction on the agenda and plans for the future.

The meeting was also attended by the Director of the ADB Resident Mission in Uzbekistan Cindy Malvicini, Deputy Director Enrico Pinali, Chief Economist Bekzod Jalilov, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Ilkhom Norqulov, Deputy Minister of Finance Odilbek Isoqov and First Deputy Director of the Public-Private Development Agency partnership Zokir Bozorov.

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