Monday, 16, September, 2024

A member of the anti-coronavirus headquarters, Sevara Ubaidullaeva, at a briefing on Monday, commented on messages on social networks about cases of death or deterioration in health after being vaccinated against coronavirus.

According to her, the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan formed working group to study each case, that went to the field and did not reveal a connection between vaccinations and deaths.

Sevara Ubaydullaeva underscored that to date, not a single death and severe side effects have been registered in Uzbekistan due to vaccines against COVID-19.

She added that the instructions for the vaccines contain side effects, including anaphylactic shock (a serious allergic reaction), which can occur within an hour and lead to the death of the patient.

Patients with contraindications are not vaccinated, which prevents the risks of severe side effects, she said.

After vaccination, patients are advised to wait a few minutes in a medical facility. If you experience anaphylactic shock or a severe allergic reaction, doctors can help you immediately.

Most side effects are mild to moderate and last from one to three days, Sevara Ubaydullaeva continued. Side effects usually mean that the vaccine is working by stimulating the patient's immune system.

Common side effects include redness, soreness or swelling at the injection area, high fever, headache, tiredness, muscle pain, joint pain, chills, nausea, and/or vomiting.

On August 28, the Ministry of Innovative Development announced the results of the third phase of clinical trials of the Chinese-Uzbek vaccine against coronavirus ZF-UZ-VAC2001. The effectiveness of the drug was 81.76% against all strains.

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