Thursday, 19, September, 2024

From September 1, 2021, drivers will no longer be required to carry authorization when driving vehicles owned by others, it is stated in the Government’s Measures to simplify procedures for providing public services in the field of road safety Resolution.

The procedure for requesting the following documents from drivers will be abolished:

  • authorization for driving a motor vehicle (certified by notary);
  • information on technical inspection;
  • permission to change (tinted) the color of vehicle windows.

According to the resolution, from August 1, 2021, the following public services will be provided through the Single interactive public services portal (SIPS): 

  • registration of training groups of legal entities providing non-governmental educational services for training, retraining and advanced training of drivers of motor vehicles and electric vehicles;
  • registration of documents and national driving license for the examination of candidates for drivers of motor vehicles and urban electric vehicles.

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