Wednesday, 15, January, 2025

The President signed the Measures to further improve system for ensuring the rights of the child decree. The document approved the proposals of the chambers of the parliament on:

- establishment of Children's ombudsman within the parliament;

- abolition of the post of the Deputy Ombudsman/Commissioner for the Rights of the Child.

The Children's Ombudsman shall exercise his powers independently from state bodies and their officials, shall be accountable to the chambers of the Oliy Majlis and elected for a five-year term of.

The Republican interdepartmental commission on minors' affairs, interdepartmental commissions on juvenile affairs of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent, districts (cities), respectively, shall be transformed into the national commission on children, commissions on children of Karakalpakstan, regions, the city of Tashkent and districts (cities), respectively, - the decree said.

The candidacy for the post of Children's ombudsman is submitted by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The main objectives of the national commission are:

- ensuring children’s rights, freedoms and healthy lifestyle;

- rendering assistance in the physical, intellectual, spiritual and moral education of children;

- taking measures to prevent deprivation of parental care for children;

- organization of the development and implementation of national and other programs in the field of prevention of neglect and delinquency among children, as well as control over their implementation, etc.

From September 1, within the Secretariat for Education and Health of the Cabinet of Ministers, a child protection sector with 3 staff units, financed from the state budget, will be formed.

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