Thursday, 02, January, 2025

The World Bank announced additional funding of US$ 19 million for the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Program in the Aral Sea Basin.

This assistance from the Green Climate Fund will be provided through the World Bank, which is accredited as the Fund's partner.

The program is implemented by the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of Tajikistan and the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan.

"Additional funding will be used to implement a range of measures to adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects among the most vulnerable rural populations in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan," the World Bank said in a statement.

The beneficiaries are expected to provide their own contribution covering at least 10% of the cost of the subprojects.

Earlier, the World Bank provided US$ 9 million for the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Program in Tajikistan, and US$ 14 million in Uzbekistan.

This is the first time that financial assistance from the Green Climate Fund has been provided in Central Asia.

The climate change adaptation program has been implemented since 2016. More than 15 thousand people became its beneficiaries, 4.3 thousand new jobs were created.

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