Monday, 03, March, 2025

A number of legislative changes and other novelties will take effect into force in Uzbekistan on March 1, 2025. The review is based on materials from, the Ministry of Justice and the national legislative database

Procedure for building housing based on renovation has been approved

From March 1, the implementation of the renovation project will be allowed after signing a notarized settlement agreement with all owners.

At their request, owners will be provided with one of the following types of compensation:

  • a turnkey apartment in a new building under the renovation program of no less an area than the one being demolished, as well as compensation for all resettlement costs, including rent of temporary housing;
  • payment of the full market value of the demolished housing or non-residential property;
  • provision of other types of compensation in agreement with the initiators of the renovation project.

Driver's license is required to drive a scooter

New requirements for mopeds and scooters will be introduced from March 1: mandatory state registration, obtaining state license plates, and having a category A driver's license to drive them.

Old-age pensions will be assigned automatically - without filing a request

From March 1, it was planned to introduce a procedure for assigning old-age pensions to individuals proactively without need for a separate application in connection with reaching retirement age. The corresponding law was previously approved by parliament.

Today, in order to assign a pension, individuals had to submit an application and provide documents confirming their right to payments. Now this process will be automated as part of the information exchange between the relevant ministries and departments.

Will eco-stickers for cars be issued?

It was planned to begin issuing eco-stickers for cars from March 1. Upon registration and re-registration, vehicles must receive an eco-sticker confirming their level of environmental safety. Previously, their issuance was planned to begin on June 1, 2024, but the start was postponed. This time, the authorities may also postpone the issuance.

Day care service for children with disabilities is being launched

From March 1, in stages in Karakalpakstan, Andijan, Kashkadarya, Samarkand, Surkhandarya, Tashkent provinces and Tashkent on an experimental basis, until October 1, 2025 - in other provinces of the republic, a day care service for children with disabilities aged 3 to 18 years old is being introduced on the basis of a public-private partnership.

Children with disabilities are admitted to the day care service under a social agreement between parents (persons replacing them) and the Inson centers in accordance with the conclusion of the Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission.

Single parents from poor families will be helped with kindergarten fees

By presidential decree, a single mother (father) included in the Register of Poor Families and officially employed is provided with financial assistance in the amount of up to 1.5 BCU (562.5 thousand soums) per child under 3 years of age to pay for kindergarten at the expense of the State Social Protection Fund on the basis of a social contract.

If there are twins in the family, assistance is provided for each child separately.

All government agency websites will move to the Government Portal

From March 1, all official government agency websites will function through a single platform — the Government Portal (, operated by the Unified Integrator of State Information Systems Uzinfocom.

Old versions of the sites will cease to function, but all data published on them will be saved.

Palm oil testing will become mandatory

From March 1, when issuing a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on palm oil imported into the country, as well as products containing palm oil and trans-isomers of fatty acids (trans fats), including milk and dairy products, they must undergo mandatory testing in accredited laboratories.

Additionally, control over the use of palm oil in food products within the country will be strengthened. Supervisory authorities will conduct inspections at enterprises engaged in the production, transportation, storage and sale of food products.

Labor Inspection Office will begin to conduct desk audits

From March 1, 2025, the Labor Inspection Office will be able to conduct desk audits, within the framework of which it will consider issues related to non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation on labor rights and labor protection, mandatory insurance of civil liability of the employer and employment of the population.

Mayor’s offices will be able to transfer state real estate to entrepreneurs

Mayor’s offices will be allowed to sell or lease directly buildings and land plots with an area of ​​more than 10 thousand square meters and a value of up to 1.875 billion soums that could not be sold within 6 months (except for Tashkent and provincial centers):

For 10-year lease to entrepreneurs with the obligation to launch new projects and create jobs within 2 years;

  • For ownership (privatization) to entrepreneurs who have regularly paid rent for 4 years and fulfilled the terms of the lease agreement;
  • For lease to domestic and foreign educational organizations for teaching international languages ​​and training specialists with international certificates - for a period of 5 years. The first year of lease will be free with the possibility of extending the agreement.
  • Individuals and businesses will be able to support greening through online platforms

From March 1, individuals and legal entities will be able to voluntarily make charitable payments through the electronic platforms Yashil Olam and Yashil Tulov. These funds will be used to finance:

  • preparation of allocated land plots for planting trees and shrubs;
  • development of design and estimate documentation for planting trees and shrubs;
  • irrigation systems in areas where trees and shrubs are planted;
  • purchase of trees, shrubs and cuttings;
  • land improvement work, creation of arboretums, green gardens, green public parks, green shield and green belt;
  • work to preserve planted crops for three years;
  • growing and supplying large-sized trees and shrubs.

Refund of fees in courts

Upon termination of legal proceedings due to the conclusion of a settlement agreement by the parties, a procedure for refunding state fees to entrepreneurs and citizens is introduced in the following amounts:

  • in the court of first instance - 70% of the paid state fee;
  • in the court of appeal and cassation complaints - 30% of the paid fee.

Housing rental payments for military personnel in Uzbekistan will increase by 20%

From March 1 until the end of 2025, the amount of monthly cash compensation for renting (subletting) housing to contract servicemen of the private, sergeant and officer corps of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan who are not provided with housing, within the actual costs, increases by 20% and is set at:

  • in the city of Tashkent - up to 4.8 times the BCU (1.8 million soums);
  • in the city of Nukus and provincial centers - up to 3.6 times the BCU (1.350 million soums);
  • in other cities, district centers and populated areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan - up to 2.4 times the BCU (900 thousand soums).

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