Thursday, 13, March, 2025

Getting trained for the purpose of mass riots and financing such activities could be criminalized. Today on December 11, the Legislative Chamber passed the amendments and addenda to Article 244 of the Criminal Code (mass riots) in the first reading.

According to Deputy Prosecutor General Svetlana Ortikova, if adopted the punishment will also apply to persons participating in online training. Some participate in such training knowingly, some unknowingly, she said. The MPs passed the draft amendments in the first reading without giving questions.

Deputy Prosecutor General Svetlana Ortikova added that the amendments do not require additional public spending. The draft document has been agreed with the Supreme Court, the State Security Service, the Ministries of Economy and Finance, Internal Affairs, and Justice.

She did not however disclose what kind of punishments are being provided for these actions.

The current Article 244 of the Criminal Code outlines several types of offenses, such as inciting mass riots, actively participating in mass riots by threatening with a weapon and resisting police authorities, and stipulates penalties ranging from a fine of 300 times the Basic calculation units to 15 years in prison.

The deputies did not give any questions about the draft amendments. The bill was adopted in the first reading without a single vote against.

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