Friday, 20, September, 2024

Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan have increased the reciprocal duration of stay of their citizens in the other country without registration to 15 days, the press service of the Uzbek Interior Ministry said.

The Intergovernmental Treaty “On visa-free travel of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan” dated June 18, 1997 was amended in the part of the procedure for entry, stay and departure of citizens of the two countries.

“This document establishes a new procedure for entry and exit, transit and stay on the territory of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan for 15 days without obtaining a permit and temporary registration with the relevant government authorities,” the message says.

Previously, this duration for Azerbaijanis in Uzbekistan was up to 5 days, for Uzbeks in Azerbaijan was up to 10 days.

There is a visa-free valid between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan: for Uzbeks in Azerbaijan - for up to 90 days after entry, for Azerbaijanis in Uzbekistan - up to 30 days.

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