Friday, 20, September, 2024

President chaired a government meeting on the works and priorities in the areas of housing, construction, utilities, transport and environmental protection.

Reportedly, in this system there were 3 ministries and offices, 3 inspectorates, 5 companies, deputy mayors in charge of construction, housing and utilities in the provinces, despite the fact that the mayors of the capital and Tashkent province have been provided a separate deputy in charge of construction and utilities, this complex remains one of the most complained about by the public.

The head of state introduced modern standards to the construction industry, listed the deficiencies in updating construction norms, reducing the cost of drinking water and network losses, increasing local flights, reducing traffic in Tashkent city and improving public transport one by one, and noted that the work of officials in this regard is unsatisfactory.

In this regard, the minister of transport I.Mahkamov, his first deputy M.Omarov, the chief of the traffic safety service of the Ministry of Interior O.Saidov and the chairman of Toshshahartranskhizmat A.Zhoraev were reprimanded and given the last warning.

Minister of transport Ilhom Mahkamov was also warned at the government meeting held on January 18, 2024 chaired by Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the organization of reliable logistics chains for delivery of local products to foreign markets.

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