Friday, 20, September, 2024

Delegation of the Labor Migration Agency attended the economic forum of fruit producers in Kielce, Poland, Dunyo reported. During open discussions, Polish business leaders pointed out that there was a lack of manpower in Poland due to the large number of young people leaving for Germany, France, and Great Britain, which causes large losses due to the inability to harvest ready crops.

Witold Pekarnik, chairman of the Polish gardeners' association, gave a positive opinion about the workers from Uzbekistan, describing them as dignified, disciplined and hardworking. While, he noted that there were difficulties in obtaining a visa, which significantly complicates the arrival of migrants to Poland.

Bartlomey Milcharek, chairman of Borovka Plantation Association, said that there were 1,000 agricultural job vacancies, which could filled by Uzbeks.

In addition, the parties agreed that the union of gardeners should send an appropriate request to the Polish parliament to include Uzbekistan in the list of countries with easy access to the country's labor market.

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