Sunday, 22, September, 2024

On World Press Freedom Day, we honor the courage of journalists all over the world who educate, inform, and engage their communities.  A free and independent press helps citizens understand the events that shape their lives and promotes a diversity of ideas and opinions.  This free exchange of information is a key part of every democracy.

Today, many journalists put themselves at risk to cover events unfolding across the globe – such as Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and human rights abuses in Afghanistan.  Truly, the work of free and independent media is more important today than ever before.   

The Embassy of the United States in Uzbekistan remains committed to supporting positive momentum in Uzbekistan’s media landscape.  My colleagues and I value our partnerships with local journalists and media representatives, who we support through a variety of training and educational opportunities.  We are proud to honor the work of Uzbekistan’s journalists not just today, but every day. 

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