Sunday, 08, September, 2024


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the new version of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Law. According to the document, the candidacy of the Prime Minister shall be proposed by the political party, which won the largest number of seats in the Legislative Chamber, or by several political parties that win the same number of seats.

Saidbek Azimov, the representative of the secretariat of the Ombudsman said that Uzbek authorities were no longer drawing up lists of people suspected of extremist activities, the so-called black lists.

Draft presidential Improving the efficiency of tourism reforms decree, posted for public input until December 24, proposes as of July 1, 2020, to abolish the registration of foreign nationals and stateless persons who will be staying for a duration of no longer than 30 days.

On December 11-13, Uzbekistan government delegation headed by the Foreign Minister, Abdulaziz Kamilov will visit Italy, the Foreign Ministry said.

Early on the morning of December 6, the 17-year-old B.N. was found hanged in the courtyard of his house in Kasan district of Kashkadarya province.

The central office of Madad non-governmental non-profit organization (NGO) opened in Tashkent Thursday, the Ministry of Justice said. The office provides free legal advice and assistance to individuals.

The Prosecutor General's Office announced the opening another criminal case against the daughter of the late president Karimov, Gulnara Karimova, which was reportedly “due to surfacing of new evidence,” the Office said in an official statement.

On the occasion of the e 27th anniversary of the Uzbek Constitution, the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev yesterday signed the Pardoning of a Group of Persons Serving Prison Sentences, Who Demonstrated Sincere Repentance and Have Chosen the Right Path Decree. 

The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov will pay an official visit to Tashkent in January, the Foreign Minister, Abdulaziz Kamilov announced at the MGIMO branch inauguration ceremony in Tashkent.

The Iranian Zagros Airlines today launched regular once-a-week Tehran to Tashkent services, the Uzbekistan Transport Ministry said. In the future, it is planned to double the frequency of flights.

On December 9, Tashkent will host the opening ceremony of the Tashkent branch of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), the university’s first overseas branch.

The Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov spoke to his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev over the phone Thursday. The counterparts exchanged views on bilateral ties and discussed a number of topical issues of bilateral trade and economic cooperation, the Russian government portal said in a statement.

The Uzbek-Russian joint venture Andijanpetro, set up by Uzbekneftegaz and Zarubezhneft (Russia), has begun operations.

Construction wings of Uzbekistan Railways completed tunneling works in the right tunnel of the Yunusobod line extension and docked it with the existing Shakhristan station. Ahead remains laying engineering-communication systems, docking the existing Shakhristan station to those under construction - Turkiston and Yunusobod and of the rail-sleeper grid.

On December 3, 2019 in New Delhi, the Uzbek President’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Ismatulla Ergashev held talks with National Security Deputy Adviser to the Indian Prime Minister, Pankaj Saran, the Deputy Foreign Minister, Vijay Thakur Singh and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Deepak Mittal, the Foreign Ministry said.

A 3rd-grader of a school in one of the districts of Ferghana province was sexually assaulted by a 11th-grader of the same school, the General Prosecutor said in a statement.

The joint Sharq-2019 (East) tactical drill of the military units of Uzbekistan and Russia took place at the Gurumsaray training ground of the Eastern Military District, the Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

The U.S. Embassy Tashkent worked with local Uzbek partners to produce a book of American fables and fairytales in the Uzbek language, “Amerika ertak va afsonalari.”  The colorfully illustrated book, which includes over 60 short stories about animals, birds, ghosts and other interesting characters, taken from, was published by the Baktria Press in Tashkent.

Former First Deputy Mayor of Margilan city in charge of Economy and Entrepreneurship, Elyor Tukhtamatov, was found dead, the General Prosecutor's Office said in a statement citing the Fergana Police Department.

The President signed Volunteering Bill into Law, the Ministry of Justice said. According to the law, volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial or social gain.