Thursday, 19, September, 2024


Today, the Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov hosted a delegation led by the French Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade and Economic Attractiveness Frank Riester, the Ministry said.

The Special National Anti-Coronavirus Commission has taken a new decision. Given the epidemiological situation, Uzbekistan will suspend flights with two countries.

U.S. military planners are looking for options to base forces and equipment in Central Asia and the Middle East after American and allied troops leave Afghanistan in the coming months.

Today the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a telephone conversation with the Russian President Vladimir Putin, the presidential press service reported.

"As a result of the irresponsible attitude of medical workers", two pregnant women have died In Bakhmal district of Jizzakh province, the provincial prosecutor's office said.

Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan plan to give start to the Silk Road Visa project - the so-called Asian Schengen before 2022, the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan told Sputnik Kazakhstan.

The head of the Ezgulik Human Rights Society Abdurakhmon Tashanov spoke about the visit, together with the Ombudsman Feruza Eshmatova, to colony No. 22 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he met with two former prosecutors general Rashitjon Kadirov and Ikhtiyor Abdullaev (the latter was also the chairman of the State Security Service, DXX).

Adviser to the President of Uzbekistan in charge of cooperation with citizen and religious organizations, rector of the International Islamic Academy Rustam Kasimov died at the age of 64, announced the director of the Center for Islamic Culture Shoazim Minovarov and confirmed by sources.

During his meaningful life, the Academician Gafur Gulom managed to create colorful poems, epics, poems, stories and short stories of great significance for Uzbek literature.

From September 1, 2021, a procedure has been introduced in Uzbekistan, according to which drivers will not be required to have a power of attorney (approved by a notary public) to drive a car, vehicle inspection certificate and window tint permit.

On April 30, President signed the Measures for comprehensive systematization of national legislative base Decree, which provides for a number of key issues to ensure the quality and stability of legislation, the Ministry of Justice reports.

On May 5, 452 coronavirus cases were recorded in Uzbekistan (the day before - 404) - this is the highest daily record since the beginning of the year. The total number of officially confirmed cases stands at 93,176, the Ministry of Health said.

Uzbekistan decided to close its diplomatic mission in one of the European countries, the spokesman to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yusup Kabulzhanov said at a briefing on Wednesday.

The Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov will pay a working visit to Brussels, the spokesman to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yusup Kabulzhanov said at a briefing on Wednesday.

The authorities of Uzbekistan and the United States are planning to hold the first meeting in the format of a strategic partnership dialogue in Tashkent before July, the spokesman to the Uzbek Foreign Ministry, Yusup Kabulzhanov, told reporters on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, the sixth Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner, purchased by Uzbekistan Airways, landed at the Tashkent airport. According to aviation tradition, the liner was greeted with a water salute from fire engine cannons.

On May 3, the IV meeting of the Uzbek-Saudi intergovernmental commission was held in Riyadh chaired by the Deputy PM/Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan S. Umurzakov and Minister of Investments of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Khalid al-Falih, the press service of the Uzbek Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade reported.

All fears over the signing by Uzbekistan and Russia of the Strategic Partnership Program in the military field until 2025" are absolutely groundless and have no logical justification," the Uzbek Ministry of Defense said. The program was signed during the visit to Uzbekistan on April 27-28 by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

Henk Stigter has been working as an Agricultural Councellor at the Netherlands embassy in Moscow since September 2020. His working area includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

On May 3, the State Inspectorate for Quality Control in Education hosted a meeting on the new project of the Swiss Embassy on the development of vocational education, the department said.