Friday, 20, September, 2024


Another case of an attempt to send Uzbeks to the United States illegally was stopped in an operation by the Samarkand province State Security Service and Police Department, the Samarkand Province Police Department reported.

Simplified goods processing customs regime will be introduced as of May 1. This is provided for by the April 25 decree of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev dated on simplifying access to the customs regime for the processing of goods in the customs territory, the press service of the Ministry of Justice reported.

New airline Silk Avia will be created in Uzbekistan for domestic flights before October 1. This became known during the government meeting chaired by the President conference call on Tuesday.

The support and professional experience of international organizations is essential for ensuring media freedom in Uzbekistan, stated the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Public Fund for the Development and Support of National Mass Media, Komil Allamjonov.

On the occasion of the Eid-al-Fitr next week Uzbeks will have five days off. This became known during the government meeting chaired by Shavkat Mirziyoyev on April 26, President’s spokesman Sherzod Asadov said.

As part of the “INNOPROM-2022. Central Asia international industrial exhibition, Chairman of Uzbekneftegaz Mehriddin Abdullaev, met with members of the delegation led by Korikko Igor Valerevich, General Director of TMK (Pipe Metallurgical Company).

The operator of UZIMEI system creates maximum convenience for all relocators. As per the feedback from foreign expats, it can be argued that the support program has helped a large number of people to adapt more easily in Uzbekistan. In view of the fact that a system of mandatory registration of mobile devices has been introduced in Uzbekistan, the expats could naturally have questions.

Cars of beginner drivers will be marked with a special sign from May 1. This is provided for by the updated traffic rules (TR) of Uzbekistan, the traffic police reported.

The Institute for Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research (IFMR) published the findings of a study of labor migration from Uzbekistan. Reportedly, the high dependence of the economy on migrant remittances in Russia is increasingly exacerbating the situation on the labor market, so it is necessary to consider new opportunities for exporting labor, the IFMR press service said.

On Monday, April 25, partly cloudy weather is expected over most of the country, Uzhydromet said. During the daytime, the air temperature will be within +24…+28 degrees.

In May this year, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will visit Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov told Kabar. “President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Joomart Tokayev will pay a visit to Kyrgyzstan on May 26. In the afternoon of the same day, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev will pay a visit,” he said.

The delegation of the Uzbek Anti-Corruption Agency, which was on a visit to the United States, agreed to hold special training events and improve the skills of Uzbek law enforcement officers and journalists in the fight against corruption.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev sent a congratulatory message to the President-elect of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron on his victory in the presidential elections, the presidential press service said.

People appealed to the police department stating that they suffered from unprofessional service at the Guangzhou medical clinic, the Tashkent city police department said.

455 electric vehicles were imported in three months, the State Statistics Committee said in a report. Reportedly, in January-March 2022, Uzbekistan imported$ 13.5 million worth of 455 EVs from 9 countries.

On April 22, the fifth Central Asia - Russia ministerial meeting took place via conference call. The event was attended by the Foreign Ministers of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Russia.

On the eve of the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr, a delegation from Uzbekistan visited Chechnya and conveyed to the head of the republic Ramzan Kadyrov congratulations from President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and a memorable gift - a 3D painting of Poi Kalon Ensemble, the Chechen leader said on his Telegram channel.

The Inspectorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage under the Cabinet of Ministers and the Agency for Cultural Heritage examined the fund of the State Museum-Reserve "Ichan-Kala", the agency said reported.

Today the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Tashkent State Agrarian University (TSAU) hosted an event to commemorate Earth Day. U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan Daniel Rosenblum and USAID Mission Director Mikaela Meredith joined TSAU Deputy Rector Alisher Khasanov and Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan Alisher Shukurov, students and faculty of TSAU to award the winners of the Students’ Environmental Challenge Contest and participate in a tree planting ceremony.

On April 21, at about 11:40 a.m., a man died from a fall from the ninth floor of the International Business Center in Tashkent’s Yunusabad district, the Prosecutor General's Office reported.