Sunday, 22, September, 2024

Journalists, bloggers, deputies and public activists made an open appeal to the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The appeal notes that with the coming to power of Shavkat Mirziyoyev in 2016, “major transformations began in Uzbekistan”, “freedom of speech, freedom of thought began to emerge, which our people have been waiting for a long time and with impatience”, and in recent years “a noticeable atmosphere of freedom has emerged in the media."

“While, we, journalists and members of the public, are concerned about the still ongoing covert, but strong censorship. Editorial offices, journalists, bloggers, people who express any opinion are still facing serious obstacles, pressure and intimidation,” the appeal says.

The authors of the appeal argue that "the press cannot raise the topics they want."

“Journalists cannot show the situation in the tone they want. The government agency responsible for information control continues to put pressure on newsrooms and bloggers to change the tone, form, nature of information or not to publish this information at all,” they note.

Journalists, bloggers and activists emphasize that "they are not interested in disrupting the socio-political situation in Uzbekistan through freedom of speech and thought."

“We consider security to be the foundation of freedom of speech and expression. But we consider the security provided without freedom of speech and thought to be incomplete, weak and temporary security,” the appeal says.

The authors asked the President to "protect freedom of speech and thought even stronger in Uzbekistan, ensure the full functioning of the Constitution and the existing provisions of laws in this regard, and help stop the pressure of certain state structures on journalists, the press, and bloggers."

“We want to see Uzbekistan as a strong, competitive, prestigious country in the international arena. For this, freedom of the press and speech must be steadily strengthened. However, we consider that the press of Uzbekistan remains under invisible, but serious control, a sad and dangerous situation for the future,” the appeal says.

“Dear President, we ask you to provide historic assistance in ensuring the true independence of the press in Uzbekistan,” the authors of the appeal urged.

Among the signatories are deputies Shokhrukh Alibekov and Bobur Rasulev, journalists Karim Bakhriev, Khamza Zhumaev, Ilyos Safarov, Anora Sodikova, Abdurakhmon Tashanov and others, political scientists Kamoliddin Rabbimov and Gulsara Shermatova, director of the non-state institute "Democracy and Human Rights" Sayyora Khodjaeva, social activists - philologist Eldar Asanov, Umida Khaknazar, Aziza Umarova, Muazzam Ibragimova, Obidjon Latipov, bloggers - lawyer Zafarbek Solijonov, Farrukh Samarkandy, Sardor Salim, Khudoyberdi Razzokov, Zafar Mardonov and others.

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